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Heroes da Mind Map: Heroes

1. Caring

1.1. Supportive

1.2. Helpful

1.3. Unselfish

1.4. Show an interest in others

1.5. Give to the community

1.6. Concerned

1.7. feel empathy

2. Heroic

2.1. Brave

2.1.1. Adrenalin

2.2. Lifesaver

2.3. Courageous

2.4. Fighting for a cause

3. Thoughtful

4. Strong

4.1. Muscular

4.1.1. Invincibility

4.2. Headstrong

4.2.1. Someone who acts calm in situations

4.3. Independent personality

4.4. Bold

4.4.1. Brave

4.4.2. Acts selflessly

5. New node

5.1. New node

5.1.1. New node

6. Role Models

6.1. Local

6.2. International

6.3. Inspire us to do something

6.4. make you feel that you want to get involved

7. Smart?

7.1. Take action to solve problems

8. Inspiring

8.1. Rolemodel

8.1.1. Look up to

8.1.2. Sets an example

8.1.3. Does things properly

8.1.4. Raises interest in a topic

9. trustworthy

10. Selfless

10.1. Work to help others

10.2. active in the community

10.3. active in the world