Patient with mental illness refusing Cardiac Surgery

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Patient with mental illness refusing Cardiac Surgery da Mind Map: Patient with mental illness refusing Cardiac Surgery

1. Fear

1.1. Patient fears that the procedure will lead to his death and that the doctors do not know what they are doing

2. Uneducated

2.1. patient does not fully understand the importance of this procedure or the risks for refusing the treatment which could lead to death

3. Patient has anxiety/ poor coping skills with recent diagnosis and treatment options.

4. Poor Support System

4.1. patient does not have good family support and relies on his own thoughts if fear. Needs someone to help him understand the diagnosis and process of the treatment

5. Risks

5.1. Cardiac arrest- the longer the patient puts off the surgery due to fear of dying could lead to the patient having further cardiac issues which could lead to cardiac arrest.

6. Mental Health needs to be re-assed to make sure patient is on proper medication which is best for his mental illness and coping.