Authorization vs Evaluation

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Authorization vs Evaluation da Mind Map: Authorization vs Evaluation

1. Professional Development

1.1. training is critical prior to authorization and on-going throughout the IB charter as well as during evaluation.

1.2. Understanding the IB policies, student center curriculum and assessment policies will enable a school to get authorized and stay authorized.

2. teamwork

2.1. Developing an IB application, an action plan or the IB evaluation questionnaire takes time planning and a thorough understanding of the IB and your school.

2.2. Schools will need to learn to align on a mission, uphold policies, collaborate and be able to honesty reflect and give feedback.

3. reports

3.1. IB application

3.2. Action Plan/ ongoing modified action plan (living document)

3.3. IB questionaire

3.4. Supporting evidence of student work

3.5. IB Evaluation Report

3.6. School mission and policies

4. timeframe

4.1. Authorization takes 3 years and has 2 stages Candidacy and Applicant

4.1.1. requires a visit

4.2. Evaluation takes 1 year in addition to normal IB requirements.

4.2.1. may or may not require a visit

4.3. If you are suspended - how do you get your IB status back?

4.4. Calendaring and meeting due dates are critical for both processes.