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Autism Ontario da Mind Map: Autism Ontario

1. Services and Programs

1.1. The Potential Programme was formed to directly support families, parents and children with ASD through greater access to ASD experts in their communities and provide new learning opportunities.

1.2. ABACUS is specific to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), in the Province. It is a self-searched listing of ABA providers in Ontario.

1.3. The Spirale website is created to help parents find services and supports.

1.4. The CALYPSO website aims to help parents/caregivers find camps for ASD.

2. Defintion of ASD

2.1. "ASD is a life-long neurological disorder that affects the way a person communicates and relates to the people and world around them. ASD can affect behaviour, social interactions, and one’s ability to communicate verbally. ASD is a spectrum disorder, which means that while all people with ASD will experience certain difficulties, the degree to which each person on the spectrum experiences these challenges will be different," (Autism Ontario, 2018).

3. Website

3.1. about ASD

4. Vision and Mission

4.1. Our Vision: Acceptance and opportunities for all individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

4.2. Our Mission: To ensure that each individual with ASD is provided the means to achieve quality of life as a respected member of society.

5. Six Areas of Focus

5.1. Advocacy and Support Research Best Practices Government Relations Public Awareness Governance

6. Inclusive

6.1. ASD exists amongst all cultural, ethnic, geographic and socioeconomic boundaries. Autism Ontario

6.2. Three Dimensions of Culutral Responsive Pedagogy: institutional, personal, and instructional. Educators must maintain a culturally responsive mindset in all three of these facets.