Discovery Analysis

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Discovery Analysis da Mind Map: Discovery Analysis

1. Security

1.1. are there any security processes in your testing steps that i should be aware of?

1.2. is there anything that you have thought of to currently solve your concern around this issue?

2. Up Against Automation

2.1. when you guys say automation by developers today... do you mean by heavy selenium tests?

2.1.1. you mentioned when you do those full regressions, how often? are you getting through full regression testing before your scheduled releases

2.2. From a front end perspective how many of your tests are manual today?

2.2.1. What do you guys do with the gaps today?

2.3. how big is your QA team today?

2.3.1. are you outsourcing anything today?

2.4. is cross browser testing important to you?

3. Mix of Manual and Automation

3.1. how much of your time is doing that manual testing?

3.1.1. where are test cases stored and how are they integrated today?

3.2. How much of your testing suite is automated?.... what percentage of that in comparison to the coverage of the platform of a whole? (typically we see a goal of 30% automation at your size)

3.2.1. how are you covering cross browser/ cross device testing?

3.3. where are those manual tests stored today? Are you using a CI tool to manage your deployment? (interested in test case management for manual test scripts?)

3.3.1. is the manual testing in house or offshore

4. Completely Automated

4.1. what is your thinking on how automation is working today and sort of what is the time that is spent by the engineering team to build out and maintain those suites?

4.2. what about functional front end testing of the product today?

4.3. who is doing the automation today? dev? qa eng?

5. Position Credits

5.1. client question on credit usage: (6500 package) when do you think we will blow through them? just as a little background we do it as a fair usage alignment. there is no concern in the beginning put possibly down the line. clients on starter plan fit 35-40 % of credits monthly. using mainly for smoke and regression then you most likely won't approach. on mobile side we will need to reexplore

6. Dig for the Bottleneck

6.1. what are you looking for in a partner like rainforest?

6.2. what is the process today?

6.2.1. with the QA process today, what would make your life easier?

6.3. what happens when a bug gets through to your end customer?

6.4. what is the ideal solution?

6.5. i'm curious are you happy with your current release cycle?

7. Budget

7.1. with that budget that you have right now for QA, would you have hired more QA or what avenue were you planning on going down?

7.2. it appears you're hiring a test automation engineer for QA? is this because you're moving towards CI/CD? what are the main criteria you are looking for in this search?

8. Deal Desk

8.1. I looked at some of your test cases, show me the app and then show me the interactions where testers interact with the apps?

8.1.1. what is the pain point right now? the web app or the ___

8.2. what is the pain point right now? the web app or the ___

8.3. Do you have a dedicated QA environment?

8.3.1. Great, what is that environment like? do you have the ability create 100 test accounts? can a bunch of people log in simultaneously?

8.4. How can we connect to your environment

8.4.1. Can you share the URL with me for your site so I can take a quick look? If mobile? * possible sticky place Need to get mobile file. Empty test make sure the app opens on rainforest.

8.5. Can you prepare the data that we need for test cases? OR can you make ___ in bulk for us?" (Might be a database, or a file…question of preparedness)

8.6. Do you have an SSL certificate signed by a full CA?

8.6.1. SSL ( more technical but basically can you get to their environment): if app comes up your cool! If “danger”, nope… this might not be a fixable issue