Connecting the Dots gives...

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Connecting the Dots gives... da Mind Map: Connecting the Dots gives...

1. gun physics

2. weapon damage

3. weapon accuracy

4. weapon look

5. Animations

6. Marketing

7. Gameplay

8. In game

9. Cut Scenes

10. Credits

11. Graphics & Textures

12. Motion Capturing

13. Depth & Personality

14. Cyber Security

15. Accounts and personal Information

16. Ideas from Industry and revenue protection

17. two-way User Authentication

18. Reporting System

19. Multiplayer

20. cloud gaming servers

21. updates to server not personal hardware

22. player does not need hardware

23. high level of support needed

24. cross platform play on any device

25. Game Art & Design

26. Character Development

27. Background & Scenery

28. Texture & Props

29. Special Strengths & Powerups

30. Buildings

31. Vehicles

32. Landscape (grass, trees, etc...)

33. Weather

34. 3d World

35. ZBrush Application