Nedap Security Management

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Nedap Security Management da Mind Map: Nedap Security Management

1. Functioneel en emotioneel

1.1. On a functional level, Nedap addresses the human dimension of security management by providing a strong foundation for the physical security of people, locations and buildings.

1.2. On an emotional level, it frees people from having to even think about security or the technology that enables it. This allows them to fully enjoy their day and focus on the tasks at hand knowing that their security is being taken care of by experts.

2. People-first approach

2.1. For Nedap, security doesn’t start with technology; it focuses first on people and how they live their daily lives

3. Nieuwe tagline sinds 26 september 2018: "Security for life"

3.1. “For us, the human dimension in security management is crucial and that’s one of the main messages behind Security for life. In our industry, brand communications often centre on technology. But we believe people aren’t looking for technology in itself – it’s the benefits of technology that help them feel safe and secure. As human beings, we have a fundamental need for this sense of security to really make the most of our life and work.”

3.2. True security is when you don't have to think about it

3.3. True security is not about technology, it's about allowing people to excel in professional life


4.1. 43 miljoen x per dag gebruikt

4.2. gemakkelijk aanpasbaar

4.3. toekomstbestendig en flexibel

4.4. access control system

4.5. no end of life

4.6. Global Client Programme (multinationals)

4.7. Twee awards in 2017

4.7.1. Cyber Security Innovation of the Year

4.7.2. Access Product of the Year

5. beveiligen van:

5.1. mensen

5.2. ideeën

5.3. de omgeving

6. Huidige werkomgeving sluit niet aan bij identiteit en manier van werken

6.1. "We willen ons vooral thuis voelen en van alle gemakken worden voorzien om ons werk goed te kunnen doen. We vinden het belangrijk dat zowel de historie als onze waarden impliciet en expliciet terugkomen."

7. Werken zowel individueel als samen

8. retail

9. identification system

10. Marktgroep van Nedap (Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek)

10.1. Security Management

10.2. Livestock Management

10.3. Library Solutions

10.4. Identification Systems

10.5. Healthcare

10.6. Light Controls

10.7. Staffing Solutions

11. Eigen:

11.1. visie

11.2. strategie

11.3. marktspecifieke oplossingen

12. Typische Nedapper:

12.1. ondernemerschap

12.2. creativiteit

12.3. gedrevenheid

13. Ontwerpen, ontwikkelen en onderhouden eigen aanbod van hardware en software.

14. Af en toe ontspanning is belangrijk