How to help children learn through play

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How to help children learn through play da Mind Map: How to help children learn through play

1. "If you want children to learn through their play, then begin by being intentional in how you set up your centers for play and exploration. " Deborah Stewart

2. "Play is far more powerful for children, however, than many parents realize. It’s actually the key to learning. Researchers and educators across the world have found that play can help enrich learning and develop key skills such as inquiry, expression, experimentation, and teamwork."

3. Gives the child a choice about what he or she wants to do

4. Feels fun and enjoyable for the child

5. Is driven by intrinsic motivation about what the child wants to do

6. It is important to include play in classroom because in an academic setting, play can help children learn and grow.

7. From offering children a chance to ask questions, problem solve, work collaboratively and conduct structured experimentation, play is a key component of learning.

8. Evolves spontaneously, rather than giving kids a script to follow

9. Creates a risk-free environment where kids can experiment and try new ideas.

10. For young children, play is often a full body activity that helps them develop skills they will need later in life. Running, dancing, climbing, rolling

11. Resources

11.1. How to help children learn through play – Teach Preschool

11.2. How Do Children Learn Through Play?