Colleen's Professional Growth Profile

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Colleen's Professional Growth Profile da Mind Map: Colleen's Professional Growth Profile

1. 2018-2019

1.1. Complete year 1 Doctoral courses

1.1.1. ACE

1.2. Attend CISC Leadership Symposium

1.2.1. Curricular sessions

1.2.2. Technology Sessions

1.3. Interview two Superintendents

1.3.1. Hollister School Disrict

1.3.2. San Benito High School District

2. 2021-2022

2.1. Hold an administrative role in either:

2.1.1. Elementary

2.1.2. County

2.2. Hold a board member position

2.2.1. ACSA Region Board

2.2.2. CUE board

2.3. Attend CISC Leadership Symposium

2.3.1. Curricular session

2.3.2. Technology Sessions

3. 2019-2020

3.1. Complete year 2 of Doctoral courses

3.1.1. Complete course work

3.1.2. Begin dissertation work

3.2. Attend ACSA Ledership Summit

3.2.1. Social Emotional Learning

3.2.2. English Learner Strategies

3.3. Attend ACSA Principal's Acadmey

3.3.1. SEL Strategies

3.3.2. Inclusion Practices

4. 2020-2021

4.1. Complete Dissertation and graduate

4.1.1. Conduct dissertation research

4.1.2. Submit to review board

4.2. Attend ACSA Superintendent Academy

4.2.1. Budget

4.2.2. Employee management

4.3. Teach a course at CSU or community college

4.3.1. Literacy

4.3.2. Leadership

5. 2022-2023

5.1. ACSA Region Board Member

5.1.1. Attend ACSA Leadership Summit

5.2. Attend ACSA Legislative Action day