Strategies for Struggling Readers

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Strategies for Struggling Readers da Mind Map: Strategies for Struggling Readers

1. Other

1.1. Assessments

1.1.1. Running Records

2. Teaching Real World Writing Through Modeling and Mentor Texts

2.1. Express & Reflect

2.1.1. Top 10 Lists --> Articles

2.2. inform and explain

2.2.1. how to

2.2.2. list essay

2.2.3. fill in blank

2.3. evaluate and judge

2.3.1. compare most likely best

2.3.2. compare

2.4. inquire and explore

2.4.1. why

2.4.2. where

2.4.3. how

2.4.4. what

3. Subjects Matter

3.1. Toward a Balanced Diet of Reading

3.1.1. fiction vs nonfiction

3.1.2. short vs long

3.1.3. contemporary vs classic

3.2. Why textbooks arent enough

3.2.1. authoritarian

3.2.2. badly written

3.2.3. hard to read

3.2.4. not for students

3.2.5. not accurate

3.2.6. expensive

3.3. Tools for thinking

3.3.1. sketching my way

3.3.2. multicolmn notes

3.3.3. think alouds

3.3.4. reading aloud

3.3.5. front loading with images

3.3.6. KWL

3.3.7. prereading quiz

3.3.8. dramatic role play

3.3.9. vocab predictions

3.3.10. partner reading

3.3.11. post it response notes

3.3.12. annotating text

3.3.13. coding text

3.3.14. turn and talk

3.3.15. tweet the text

3.3.16. exit slips and admit slips

3.3.17. word wall

3.3.18. graphic organizers

3.3.19. vocab tree

3.3.20. list group label

3.3.21. clustering and mapping

3.3.22. written conversation

3.3.23. second helpings

3.3.24. where do you stand

3.3.25. draft essay

3.3.26. password

3.4. how to use a textbook

3.4.1. be selective

3.4.2. academic vocab

3.4.3. whats on test