Estrategy 18, list 1, book 2

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Estrategy 18, list 1, book 2 da Mind Map: Estrategy 18, list 1, book 2

1. It contains "atom"

1.1. Atom, Atomic number, Atomic radius, diatomic, subatomic particle

2. It contains "energy"

2.1. Chemical energy, ionization energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, termal energy, energy efficiency, energy quality

3. It belongs to the table periodic

3.1. Block, element symbol, group, mass number, period,

4. It is a kind of substance

4.1. Catalyst, compound, element, ion, isotope, molecule, noble gas

5. It's a physical measurement

5.1. Viscosity, work, yield, in excess, driving force, flux, Flow rate, rate, rate process, heat, resistance

6. It contains "electro"

6.1. electromagnetic radiation, electron, electron affinity, electron configuration, electron shell

7. parts of "SOLUTION"

7.1. Solvent, solute, concentration

8. Subatomic particles

9. Parts of "REACTION"

9.1. Reactive, Reagent, product

10. Antonym of "INLET"

10.1. Outlet

11. Antonym of "TRANSFER"

11.1. Conserve