Pain Management & Diabetes

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Pain Management & Diabetes da Mind Map: Pain Management & Diabetes

1. Neuropathies

1.1. Infection

1.1.1. Amputation

1.2. Blood vessel disease

1.3. Kidney damage/Nephropathy/end stage renal disease

1.3.1. Dialysis dependent

1.4. Eye damage/Retinopathy

1.4.1. Blindness

1.5. Skin and mouth conditions

1.6. Pregnancy complications

2. High Blood Pressure

2.1. Coronary artery disease

2.2. Congested heart failure

2.3. Heart Attack

2.3.1. Death

2.4. Peripheral vascular disease

3. Gastroparesis

3.1. delayed gastric emptying

3.2. Autonomic nervous system abnormalities involoving vagus nerve

3.3. nausea & vomiting & abdominal pain

3.4. bloating or postprandial fullness

4. Smoke

4.1. Emphysema

4.2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

4.3. Deep vein thrombosis

5. Drink excessive alcohol

5.1. Liver failure

5.2. Kidney disease

5.3. Encephalopathy

6. Control diabetes

6.1. control blood sugar

6.1.1. Insulin Therapy

6.1.2. Take oral diabetes medications

6.1.3. Healthy eating/ carbohydrate, fat & protein counting

6.1.4. Keep active/exercise regularly

6.1.5. Monitor A1C Goal A1C <7%

6.1.6. Monitor blood sugar Goal 80-130mg/dL pre meals Goal 2 hrs after meal <180 mg/dL

7. Control cholesterol

7.1. Avoid trans fat

7.2. Limit saturated fat and dietary cholesterol

7.3. Eat vegetables

7.4. Exercise regularly

8. Legend

8.1. Pathophysiological processes

8.2. Pharmacological interventions

8.3. Treatments

8.4. Longterm prognostications

9. High Blood Cholesterol

9.1. Hyperlipidemia

9.1.1. Atherosclerosis Stroke Death

10. Don't exercise regularly

10.1. obesity

11. Hypoglycemia

11.1. Blood sugar below normal

11.1.1. Confusion Seizure Death

12. Hyperglycemia

12.1. Diabetes I

12.1.1. Pancreas produces little or no insulin

12.2. Diabetes II

12.2.1. resists the effects of insulin-or doesn't produce enough insulin

12.3. Gestational

12.3.1. placental hormones cause high blood sugar levels

12.4. Ketoacidosis

12.4.1. Death

12.4.2. Seek emergency medical treatment

13. Excessive salt intake

13.1. reduce salt intake

13.2. avoid salt intake

14. Control pain

14.1. Narcotics

14.2. Prokinetic drugs

14.3. gastric electrical stimulation

14.4. surgical venting gastrostomy

14.5. antiemetics

15. Managing diabetes & pain

15.1. Regular diet & exercise

15.2. Routine health care

15.3. Be your own health care advocate