US History Lessons Learned

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US History Lessons Learned da Mind Map: US History Lessons Learned

1. When the new deal was created to fix the economic problems, it cost a lot of money and government debt.

2. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

2.1. Great migration/harlem

2.2. WW2

2.2.1. America didn't know the extent of the holocaust and refused many jews entry into our country.

3. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

3.1. Presidents during G.D

3.1.1. During times where our country is struggling, we need a leader who will help with jobs and business a little bit but not to much. (in between FDR and Hoover.)

3.2. WW2

3.2.1. A military leader who is aggressive can only be stopped aggressively.

3.2.2. Having an enemy become an ally promotes competition and harder fighting cut can lead to tension after war.

3.2.3. Leaders like hitler who are willing to fight until the end can be challenging to defeat.

3.3. Richard Nixon

3.3.1. Being president during this time period was very difficult for Richard Nixon. He had to make lots of difficult decisions. Some of these decisions included Vietnamization, which was when he pulled American troops out of Vietnam and replaced them with South Vietnamese soldiers. Many people disagreed with this decision and brought it to everyone's attention, which had a huge impact on Nixon's decision to resign. We can learn from this horrible experience by making sure that they all agree on what the president wants to do.

4. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

4.1. Prohibition

4.1.1. When trying to ban things that the mass population wants it creates a mass black market and it creates much more of a problem

4.2. Government in WW1/1920's

4.2.1. Creating unpopular laws are very hard to enforce.

4.3. WW2

4.3.1. When fearful, the government will make decisions they believe are in the best interest of the country, even if uncivil to some

4.3.2. Totalitarianism: When one leader has too much power they can do whatever they want if they are not challenged.

4.3.3. Since hitler was in power and kept pushing limits with persecution and no one stopped him he was able to continue what he was doing and kill that many people.

4.3.4. Pearl Harbor When a country attacks us, we must fight back to show our power and assert ourselves

4.4. Making the right choices during Vietnam War.

4.4.1. The government made multiple questionable choices during the Vietnam war. These decisions were questioned by the American people and aided them into treating our government very poorly. Our soldiers also had very poor attitudes, as they didn't want to be in the war either. One mistake that Nixon made was by attacking the base in Cambodia. This went not how they planned on "curing" communism. I believe that the lesson here is that you should never go against your original plans as it will always come back to hurt you.

5. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

5.1. Leisure

5.1.1. When there are new techs (radio's) it connects us more as a country, and it allows us to have more of a identity

5.1.2. WW1 Tech

5.2. WW2

5.2.1. New powerful weapons can quickly end war when one side has them.

5.3. Cameras becoming more popular

5.3.1. With the camera industry thriving during this time period, it was only a matter of time before people started taking pictures on the battlefield. The first time that pictures were taken during a battle was during the Vietnam war. These pictures that were taken were extremely bloody and inappropriate and essentially woke Americans up and made them realize what war is really like. Americans during this time period that got their hands on these photos, used them as an anti-war protest. Today, photos play a huge role in lots of significant situations, and help of figure out what is really happening, so we don't have to make inaccurate inferences.

5.4. Use of Bombs during the Vietnam war

5.4.1. Nearing the end of the war, president Nixon used a string of bombs called rolling thunder to try and end the war. While this was happening, Vietnamization was also occurring, which was basically the pulling out of American troops in Vietnam. Part of the reason that this happened was because North Vietnam launched a series of Naval vessels which is illegal due to the United Nations ruling. The main take away from this situation is that large explosives have a huge effect on war and can make a huge impact.

6. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

6.1. Makes it easier and much more of an affiance way to learn and see what is happening around the world.

6.2. Information

6.3. WW2

6.3.1. The media when necessary can be manipulated to serve the greater good by influencing people to help with war efforts.

7. Economics

7.1. Great depression

8. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

8.1. WWI

8.1.1. Foreign Entanglements Because we were involved in world affairs in WW1, it is hard to stay neutral during following wars. After having a big war, we need to create an effective treaty to prevent other wars in the future. Creating a group like the league of nations wasn't effective because it isn't guaranteed that everyone will believe in it or even consider it. It holds no power if you suggest the group but don't join it. Potsdam complacence When an alliance is formed with another country, Information that is kept secret will result in conflict.

8.2. WW2

8.2.1. Treaty of Versailles when there are attempts at blowing one country, conflict with result.

9. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

9.1. WW1

9.1.1. Before the WW1 the economy was struggling, but as most wars do for countries our ecomy was improved because of the war. Working class

9.2. Women Progress

9.2.1. Women started to become more independent and started to challenge the "status quo"

10. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

10.1. WW2

10.1.1. African Americans WW1/1920's During times of war we always see civil rights improve.

10.1.2. Disenfranchised groups show what they can do during times of war. Women and African Americans are given jobs and prove that they are able to do these jobs that men do.

10.2. U.S Soldiers that fought in Vietnam

10.2.1. Everyone in America thought of this war as a loss for the United States due to the fact that North Vietnamese soldiers invaded South Vietnam. Amidst and after the war, the U.S soldiers were not happy with the results they were getting, but later on, (years after the war ended) they were very happy about their dedication and hard work that they put forth during the war. We learned a lot through this experience. I believe that the most important thing that we learned is that we need to treat our soldiers like they are our family. They went out and risked their lives for our safety, and for us to treat them so poorly, is just embarrassing.