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Prehistory In Turkey da Mind Map: Prehistory In Turkey

1. Stone Age

1.1. Paleolithicum

1.2. Mesolithicum

1.3. Neolithicum

1.4. Megalithic

2. What is Prehistoric Period

3. culture

4. how they survive in their daily life?

5. Present discoveries

6. anatomy

7. Tools

8. Traditions

9. Metal Age

9.1. Copper Age

9.2. Bronze Age

9.3. Iron Age

10. Video

10.1. Amazing Buried City in Turkey Built During 12,000 B.C. | Ancient Aliens

10.2. THE MYSTERY OF GÖBEKLI TEPE - Graham Hancock on London Real

10.3. Who Built Gobekli Tepe? New Theory | Ancient Architects

10.4. Strange Ancient Turkey Discoveries That Will Leave You Speechless

10.5. New Discoveries in Ancient Turkey