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Prehistory in Japan da Mind Map: Prehistory in Japan

1. Metal Age

1.1. Copper Age:was a time period between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age.

1.1.1. The Chalcolithic period, or Copper Age, was an era of transition between the stone tool-using farmers of the Neolithic and the metal-obsessed civilizations of the Bronze Age.The era's name means literally "Japanese copper." Copper coins minted during that period based on the form of Chinese ones are believed to have been the first coins minted in Japan.In Japan people does not use Copper that often, only for coins. i

1.2. Bronze Age:the period of ancient human culture characterized by the use of bronze that began between 4000 and 3000 b.c. and ended with the advent of the Iron Age.

1.2.1. Bronze objects included bronze arrowheads and other weapons, Chinese and northeast Asian mirrors, dagger-swords, spearheads, halberds, sword ornaments, shuriken -shaped ornaments for shields, bracelets, coins, vessels and dotaku and bataku horse bells.Some of the creations are called:2nd century BC Yayoi dōtaku bronze bell, which is a gigantic bell and 2nd century BC Yayoi bronze spearhead which is a type of sword.There was also Bronze mirror excavated in Tsubai-otsukayama kofun,Yamashiro, Kyoto. In the Bronze age people started making crafts for rituals and agricultural tools and weapons

1.3. Iron Age: the period of human culture characterized by the smelting of iron and its use in industry beginning somewhat before 1000 b.c. in western Asia and Egypt.

1.3.1. By the late Yayoi phase, iron had replaced stone as the choice material for tools as far as Tohoku district in northern Honshu island. Iron minerals were easier to find in large quantities than bronze and because sharp tool edges could be made with it, iron was used for more practical things like tools and weapons.These are some example of the tools they used at the Iron age are swords, halberds, arrowheads, chisels, point planes, knives, spade-shoes, reaping knives, sickles, needles and fish-hooks

2. The meaning of Prehistory Period: Was before written record, In Japan it was also called the The Jōmon period, traditionally dated between 14,000–300 BCE, recently refined to about 1000 BCE

3. By: Putri Lakeisha Desiree

4. Stone Age

4.1. Palaeolithic: Old stone age

4.1.1. In the Palaeolithic era people in Japan started to developed pottery, generally before 10,000 BC. Ground stone tools are usually made of basalt, rhyolite, granite, or other cryptocrystalline and igneous stones whose coarse structure makes them ideal for grinding other materials, including plants and other stones. They're culture was mostly Pottery.

4.2. Mesolithic: Transition period where humans society began to change/Middle stone age

4.2.1. Mesolithic tools were essentially sharpened wood, bones or antlers studded with tiny chips of stone. They build a lot of pottery which some of them are called Jomon pottery, Middle Jomon vesseland they also build a jar with spirals. Final Jomon, Kamegaoka style.

4.3. Neolithic: New stone age

4.3.1. In the Neolithic era people in Japan started to build farms, live near the river/lake so they can go fishing for food and have water to drink. People in Japan do not have many stuff to build their houses the materials are mostly stone, wood, plants and clay. In the Neolithic era they discover Arrows & Spears for hunting animals.

4.4. Megalithic: a large stone, sometimes forming part of a group or circle

4.4.1. In the Megalithic era the culture was to worship to the sun and to the sun-and-rock. In Japan there are many weird rocks sculptures and buildings build by gigantic rocks but until now people still do not know what it means or come from. And then they finally made/found the sword that is so heavy and long at the Megalithic century and it is called The norimitsu .