Progressive Movement

Progressive Movement Map

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Progressive Movement da Mind Map: Progressive Movement

1. Labor Unions

1.1. Groups of workers that went on strike

1.2. Labor Unions

1.3. Samuel Gompers created the AFL

1.4. The AFL stands for American Federation of Labor

2. Equality

2.1. W.E.B DuBois wanted full political, civil, and social rights four African Americans

2.2. Booker T. Washington thought that equality could be achieved through vocation education and he accepted social segregation.

2.3. Equality

2.4. Ida Wells wrote a few books about racism and lynching

3. Teddy Roosevelt

3.1. Teddy Roosevelt

3.2. Teddy Roosevelt read The Jungle and he pushed congress to pass the meat inspection act

3.3. Teddy Roosevelt was called the trust buster because he broke up a lot of trusts and monopolies

3.4. Teddy Roosevelt created the United States Forest Service to preserve nature and animals

3.5. When Teddy Roosevelt became president he created a plan called the Square Deal and his goal was to make life fair for everyone

4. Muckrackers

4.1. Exposed Problems

4.2. Lewis Hine took pictures of child labor

4.3. Upton Sinclair wrote a book called the jungle and in the book it talked about the meat packing industry

4.4. Jacob Riis took pictures of people living in tenements

4.5. Ida Tarbell interviewed people that work at oil factories and then she wrote a book based on their interviews.

4.6. Thomas Nast drew pictures of Boss Tweed

4.7. Teddy Roosevelt called them Muckrakers.

5. Big Businesses

5.1. John D. Rockefeller controlled the oil industry

5.2. Andrew Carnegie controlled the steel industry

5.3. J.P Morgan controlled the banking industry

5.4. The homestead strike was in one of Andrew Carnegies steel factories

5.5. Cornelius Vanderbilt controlled the railroad industry

5.6. Big Businesses

5.7. A philanthropist is a person that has a lot of money and he or she donates it to other people

6. Womens suffrage

6.1. Women Suffrage

6.1.1. Women's suffrage means votes for women

6.1.2. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote

6.1.3. Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul lead the suffragist movement

6.1.4. Women could not own land or money but men could

6.1.5. A flapper is a woman with short bobbed hair, heavy make up, and a short skirt

6.1.6. since children went to school and men went to their jobs, women had more free time and began to pursue higher education

6.1.7. Women including Alice Paul went to white house and tried to convince Woodrow Wilson to give women equal rights but he said no then the went to the sidewalk outside of the white house but they were arrested for blocking the sidewalk then they started a hunger strike