Alicia Carr: Art References

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Alicia Carr: Art References da Mind Map: Alicia Carr: Art References

1. Purpose

1.1. Encourage artists to take control of their artistic skills and hone them!

2. About Me

2.1. All about myself and why I'm creating this website (a lot of people want to get better at drawing but can be overwhelmed as to where to start)

2.1.1. Digital photo, digital photo editing, screenshot, screencast presentation

3. Contact

3.1. Where to contact me (email, etc.)

3.1.1. Graphic design, QR code, social media

4. Reference Page

4.1. Add a list of references for all software used and anything that is not my creation.

4.1.1. QR Code

5. Strategic Planning Map Page

5.1. Demonstrate my ability to strategize my approach to this project.

6. Reference Photos

6.1. Images of people/animals/etc. taken from real life to draw from and study.

7. Tutorials

7.1. Written/drawn tutorials of how to draw/color/etc. various things.

7.1.1. Animation, digital story video

8. Miscellaneous Tips/Advice

8.1. Lists of various advice, such as recommended supplies or books to study art from.

8.1.1. Google form, infographic

9. Home

9.1. Introduce site

9.1.1. Professional web 2.0 resources