Christina Tway

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Christina Tway da Mind Map: Christina Tway

1. Blog

1.1. At least one entry for emerging technology

1.1.1. This will be the tech talk topic, Virtual Reality in the classroom

2. Professional Resources

2.1. This will be Web. 2.0 Resources

2.1.1. Podcasts about education or polls. As well as tools or tips for teaching.

3. Course Projects

3.1. General description and relevancy to my project or future career.

3.1.1. Tech Talk

3.1.2. Google products

3.1.3. Digital Story

3.1.4. Digital Photo

3.1.5. Cover Letter & Resume

3.1.6. Screencast and screenshot

3.1.7. Infographic

3.1.8. Graphic Design W/ QR code

3.1.9. Google Form

4. Home

4.1. Bio & photo: I will also add a header

4.1.1. Social media icons. Optional Logo for the home page.

5. Contact

5.1. This will be a Contact Form: Works cited page, and planning map. (Hidden Pages)

5.1.1. Social media icons

6. Tagline

6.1. To provide information about teaching. And show Why I chose this as my future career.