Marie's Copy editing

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Marie's Copy editing da Mind Map: Marie's Copy editing

1. about me

1.1. talk about why you made the website, what can you offer to employeers, character, basic intro

1.1.1. picture

2. contact

2.1. name, number , email

3. projects

3.1. the wrirtings you did

3.1.1. any kind you have ever written

4. resume

4.1. any resumes you may have

4.1.1. both professional and non professional

5. cover letter

5.1. more of a record and or intro

5.1.1. references of schools you attended, what you succeeded their

6. blog

6.1. a link to a website where you can post

6.1.1. wattpad

7. professional references

7.1. accredibility from people in high places such as companies , others

8. technology

8.1. facebook

8.1.1. announcements and sharing your website with others