Improving logistics planning to overcome construction project delays in Saudi

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Improving logistics planning to overcome construction project delays in Saudi da Mind Map: Improving logistics planning to overcome construction project delays in Saudi

1. Outsource to 3rd party logistics specialists

1.1. Lowers cost of logistics operations

1.2. Improves operational efficiency

1.3. Lowers risk in certain locations

1.4. Access to industry-best logistics processes

1.5. Process integration and information sharing with logistics partner

2. Overcome Organisational Barriers

2.1. Investment into automation

2.2. Information sharing with 3rd party logistics specialists

2.3. Process coordination with 3rd party logistics

2.4. Change management to cope with new technologies/processes

2.5. Investment into training/hiring skilled personnel

3. Improve Material Handling

3.1. Increase labour efficiency

3.1.1. Hire skilled labour

3.1.2. Provide training to workers

3.1.3. Better ergonomic design

3.2. Increase space utilisation

3.2.1. Improve planning

3.2.2. Flexibility to modify storage space layout

3.2.3. Integrate storage and handling systems

3.3. Better equipment scheduling

3.3.1. Discrete-event simulation software to optimize vehicle/equipment efficiency

3.3.2. Resource planning thru Artificial Intelligence

4. Improve Inventory Control

4.1. Automation

4.1.1. Integrate with BIM software

4.1.2. Reduce human error

4.1.3. Improve storage efficiency

4.2. Enhance Site Storage

4.2.1. Storage security Wireless sensor network (WSN)

4.2.2. Coordinated storage design based on requirements

5. Enhance Transportation efficiency

5.1. Efficient delivery scheduling

5.1.1. BIM software Access to trained logistics professionals Prevent logistics clash Coordinate materials & processes Track truck availability Update raw material requirements Just-in-time delivery

5.2. Reduce transit time

5.2.1. Decision support system to plan efficient routes

5.2.2. RFID + GPS truck monitoring

5.3. Increase vehicle accessibility

5.3.1. Improve truck cycle time using GIS data