Using Disney's Beauty and the Beast to create Integrated English lessons with the WA Curriculum -...

Possible WA Curriculum Year 3 integrated English activities and lesson ideas using Disney's Beauty and the Beast as a base text.

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Using Disney's Beauty and the Beast to create Integrated English lessons with the WA Curriculum - By Imi Plester da Mind Map: Using Disney's Beauty and the Beast to create Integrated English lessons with the WA Curriculum - By Imi Plester

1. Unit of Inquiry: Alternate perceptions Students will participate in a unit of inquiry called Alternate perceptions. This will involve a series of integrated lessons, exploring the dramatic elements of characterisation and perspective. Students will study the story of Beauty and the Beast and use it to devise and perform a short dramatic performance from an alternate character’s point of view.


2.1. Escape the castle! Create an obstacle course in the hallway using streamers. Have some higher and some lower. Kids have to climb over and crawl under the streamers to escape the castle (Lewis, 2017). (ACPMP045) (ACELY1792)

2.2. Catch the rose. Take plastic or paper cups and a fake flower rose. Kids have to catch roses in the cup. One person can be the thrower and everyone else tries to catch it. Whoever catches it the most is the winner (Lewis, 2017). (ACPMP043) (ACELY1792)

2.3. Pool noodle beast and Gaston fights. Use pool noodles as swords for the Beast and Gaston to fight for Belle (Lewis, 2017). (ACPMP043) (ACELY1792)


3.1. Cooking Miniature Castle Cakes (Taste of Home, 2002). (ACMMG063) (ACMNA058) (ACELA1478)

3.2. Create an old-style map of the world of Beauty and the Beast from The Usbourne Complete Book of Drawing (Beasant et al., 1993). (ACAVAM111) (ACMMG065) (ACELA1478)

3.3. The Haunted Castle Game from The Usbourne Complete Book of Drawing (Beasant et al., 1993) changed to a Beauty and the Beast theme. (ACMMG065) (ACELY1792)


4.1. Follow written instructions to create a Lumiere Tissue Tube Candelabrum (Disney Family Contributor, 2014). (ACAVAM111) (ACELA1478)

4.2. Draw a castle using the shape technique outlined in The Usbourne Complete Book of Drawing (Beasant et al., 1993). (ACAVAM111) (ACELA1478)



7. Students learn the lyrics to “Be our Guest” and use a range of research materials to translate the French words (Menken, 1991). (ACELY1680) (ACLFRC026)

8. Using the lyrics to ‘Be our Guest’, students explore how rhyme and the elements of music are used to enhance enjoyment (Menken, 1991). (ACELT1600) (ACAMUM084)


10. Research and debate the life lessons learnt from Beauty and the Beast (ACELT1596)(ACELY1676)(ACELY1677)


12. Research the history of the waltz before learning the dance (ACELA1476)(ACELA1483)(ACADAM005)(ACADAM006)(ACAMUM084)(ACAMUR087)


14. H.A.S.S





19. Lesson 2: - English, H.A.S.S Possible curriculum codes: (ACELY1680) (ACELT1599) (ACELA1484) (WAHASS35) (WAHASS36) • Separate the class into groups of 6 and conduct guided reading sessions (FSR RRB, p.20-22). • Each group should focus on one of the questions below: o What are the key points addressed in the book? o Which of the characters do you identify with most and why? o What relationships and situations do you recognise (or not recognise) in the story? o How is the world in the book different to our modern world? • Each group shares their answers with the class.

20. Lessons 3 – 4 – English, Drama, H.A.S.S Possible curriculum codes: (ACADRR034) (ACELA1483) (WAHASS28) (WAHASS29) • Students will watch the movie – Beauty and the Beast (1991 Film) and note down anything they see concerning characterisation, and the dramatic elements.

21. Lesson 12 - 13 – English, Drama Possible curriculum codes: (ACADRM033) (ACELY1792) (ACELA1484) (ACELT1599) • Student groups perform their short dramatic performances of Beauty and the Beast for the class. • Hold a class discussion about what was done well and provide constructive feedback to the performers.

22. Lesson 1 - English, H.A.S.S Possible curriculum codes: (ACELY1675) (ACELT1596) (WAHASS26) • Students will brainstorm what they know about the story – Beauty and the Beast • Teacher introduces topic of perception and misrepresentation. • Discuss the topic as a class o What do students know of the topic? o Can they think of times that they have experienced misrepresentation? Etc… • The teacher will read the book to the class.

23. Lesson 2: - English, H.A.S.S Possible curriculum codes: (ACELY1680) (ACELT1599) (ACELA1484) (WAHASS35) (WAHASS36) • Separate the class into groups of 6 and conduct guided reading sessions (FSR RRB, p.20-22). • Each group should focus on one of the questions below: o What are the key points addressed in the book? o Which of the characters do you identify with most and why? o What relationships and situations do you recognise (or not recognise) in the story? o How is the world in the book different to our modern world? • Each group shares their answers with the class.

24. Lesson 5 – English, Drama, H.A.S.S Possible curriculum codes: (ACELY1675) (ACELY1680) (ACADRM032) (ACADRM033) (WAHASS29) (WAHASS35) • As a class discuss the book and movie and take notes concerning:. o What are the stories and the ideas in the texts you watched and listened to? o Which of the characters do you identify with? o What relationships and situations do you recognise (or not recognise) in the texts you watched and listened to? o How were the dramatic elements implemented to mould character perception? • Discuss how a text presents the point of view of the main character. • Speculate on what other characters might think or feel.

25. Lesson 6 - English, H.A.S.S Possible curriculum codes: (ACELY1675) (ACADRR034) (WAHASS26) • The teacher assigns student groups a character to mind map on A3 Paper o Perspective, how they are characterised, gestures, motivations, language and personal presentation. • Create a mind map gallery and have a class gallery review and discussion. • Split the class into performance groups.

26. Lesson 7 – English, Drama Possible curriculum codes: (ACELT1601) (ACELT1791) (ACELY1682) (ACADRM031) • In their performance groups, students will use their brainstorms to prepare their performance piece and write the script.

27. Lessons 8 – 11 – English, Drama Possible curriculum codes: (ACADRM033) (ACELY1792) • In their assigned groups, students prepare and rehearse for their dramatic performances.

28. Lesson 12 - 13 – English, Drama Possible curriculum codes: (ACADRM033) (ACELY1792) (ACELA1484) (ACELT1599) • Student groups perform their short dramatic performances of Beauty and the Beastfor the class. • Hold a class discussion about what was done well and provide constructive feedback to the performers.

29. Lesson 1 - English, H.A.S.S Possible curriculum codes: (ACELY1675) (ACELT1596) (WAHASS26) • Students will brainstorm what they know about the story – Beauty and the Beast • Teacher introduces topic of perception and misrepresentation. • Discuss the topic as a class o What do students know of the topic? o Can they think of times that they have experienced misrepresentation? Etc… • The teacher will read the book to the class.

30. Lesson 2: - English, H.A.S.S Possible curriculum codes: (ACELY1680) (ACELT1599) (ACELA1484) (WAHASS35) (WAHASS36) • Separate the class into groups of 6 and conduct guided reading sessions (FSR RRB, p.20-22). • Each group should focus on one of the questions below: o What are the key points addressed in the book? o Which of the characters do you identify with most and why? o What relationships and situations do you recognise (or not recognise) in the story? o How is the world in the book different to our modern world? • Each group shares their answers with the class.

31. Lesson 7 – English, Drama Possible curriculum codes: (ACELT1601) (ACELT1791) (ACELY1682) (ACADRM031) • In their performance groups, students will use their brainstorms to prepare their performance piece and write the script.

32. In groups discuss and share how the life lessons learnt in Beauty and the Beast are relevant to you and how you can implement them in your daily life (ACELT1596)(ACELY1676)