Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Electromagnetic Spectrum da Mind Map: Electromagnetic Spectrum

1. Measurements

1.1. Frequency - number of times something occurs in a given amount of time

1.1.1. = to # of waves through a point each second

1.1.2. unit is hertz (Hz), event per second

1.2. Wavelength - distance between neighboring crests, troughs, or other neighboring equivalent parts of the wave

1.2.1. Represented by Greek Symbol Lambda λ

1.3. Linear Mass density - amount of mass per unit of length

1.3.1. mesuared in kg/m

1.4. Period

1.4.1. Time required for an event to occur period of wave = time required for 1 wave to pass a locatio

1.5. Power - Rate that work is done

1.5.1. = amount of energy at a certain time unit = Watt (W)

1.6. Wave Speed - distance Wave travels in a certain amount of time

1.6.1. Wave speed (v) = λ x f (wave frequency times Wavelength

2. Light - A type of wave that carries energy from one piece to another, even through empty space

2.1. Types of Light that make up the electromagnetic spectrum

2.1.1. Gamma Rays

2.1.2. X-Rays

2.1.3. UV rays

2.1.4. Visible Light

2.1.5. Infrared

2.1.6. Microwaves

2.1.7. Radio Waves

2.2. Energy - The ability to make things move or cause change. It is found in light.

2.2.1. Absorb - To take in. This is how objects interact and are affected by the energy found in light. Different types of light (above) have different properties and can only be absorbed by certain objects, or affect a select few objects.

3. Waves - Repeating Motion that travels through a medium

3.1. Medium - A Substance through which Waves can travel

3.2. Amplitude - Maximum distance that a point is moved from the rest position when the wave passes through

3.3. Combined Waves - A wave with the motion of both a Longitudinal Wave and Transverse Wave.

3.3.1. Longitudinal Wave - Longitudinal Wave - motion of medium is the same as the wave Compression - part of a longitudinal wave where particles in the medium are pushed together Refraction - part of a longitudinal wave where the particles in the medium are spread apart Longitudinal wave's amplitude = distance a point moves left/right when wave passes

3.3.2. Transverse Wave - motion of medium is perpendicular to the wave Crest - The Highest part of a wave Trough - The Lowest part of a Wave Transverse wave's amplitude = distance point moves up/down when wave passes