Theories on Langauge Development

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Theories on Langauge Development da Mind Map: Theories on  Langauge Development

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2.1. Reference

2.1.1. Otto, B.(2010),Language Development in Early Childhood. New Jersey.Upper Saddle River. Merrill/Pearson

3. nurture

4. pragmatic

5. Vygotsky,Bruner Halliday

6. sociocultural interaction,need to function in society results in communication,zone of proximal development

6.1. process, not product of language important, LASS,

6.1.1. Immersion,Demonstration,Engagement, Expectations,Responsibility,Approximations,Employment.Response

7. nativist

7.1. Noam Chomsky

7.1.1. nature syntactic universal grammer,LAD,

8. Semantic

9. Skinner

9.1. semantic, ,syntactic , morphemic

9.1.1. Learning from stimuli,positive reinfrorcements,operant conditioning,association learning,imitative speech nurture A child is considered to be a blank slate,(Karmiloff & Karmiloff-Smith,2001), and learning occurs due to associations established between stimuli, responses,and events that occur after the responsive behavior"(Otto, B. 2010)

10. Behaviorist theory

11. Cognitive Developmental Perspective

11.1. Piaget

11.1.1. nurture

12. morphemic

12.1. Stages, Sensorimotor,object permamence,symbols preoperational

13. interactionist theory