Sunday AM Communion Team

Communion instructions

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Sunday AM Communion Team da Mind Map: Sunday  AM Communion  Team

1. Materials

1.1. 4 3-quart bottles of Kirkland grape juice

1.1.1. Costco

1.2. 5 boxes Streit's matzo crackers


1.3. 2 boxes gluten free crackers


1.4. 76 trays

1.4.1. 64 Artistic

1.4.2. 12 old

1.5. 2964 cups


1.6. 45 baskets

1.6.1. 30 regular crackers

1.6.2. 15 gluten free

1.7. 45 napkins

1.8. 15 tablecloths

1.9. 2 white terry custodial towels

2. Equipment

2.1. 2 juice dispensers for trays

2.2. 2 push button manual dispensers

2.3. 3 cup dispensers

2.4. nitrile or vinyl gloves

2.5. clingwrap

2.6. 15 tables

2.6.1. 9 30 x 72 aluminum

2.6.2. 6 18 x 72 resin

3. Preparation

3.1. overseeing pastor call Ben Mortimer re: Family Room availability the week preceding Sun AM communion

3.2. Supplies

3.2.1. four six-foot folding aluminum tables

3.2.2. 8 foot black rubber baptism runner on side of tray filling table (Ben/David)

3.2.3. 10 (64-oz) bottles of grape juice (from concentrate)

3.2.4. 13 boxes Glutino (gluten-free) crackers 8 cracker "sheets"/basket (dime-sized pieces)

3.2.5. juice dispenser for trays

3.2.6. 2 manual juice dispensers (for old aluminum and stainless trays)

3.2.7. 2 measuring cups to hold manual dispensers as being used

3.2.8. 80+ trays

3.2.9. 28 baskets/ 28 napkins (white or burgundy)

3.2.10. approx 3400 communion cups

3.2.11. 1 pair scissors to open Glutino pkgs

3.2.12. 3 kitchen towels

3.2.13. (14 black tablecloths for sanctuary tables)

3.3. take supplies to set-up area in Family Room

3.3.1. access back hall with digital lock code stored in back hall black metal storage cabinets

3.4. trays (80+)

3.4.1. cups into trays

3.4.2. fill trays fill to just BELOW the level of the tray (better to underfill than overfill) wipe the bottom of the filling disc after each tray is filled

3.4.3. stacks of trays to 2 tall kitchen carts move carts to walk-in fridge

3.5. baskets (24)

3.5.1. napkins in baskets

3.5.2. stack baskets 3 stacks each stack into 12-gal clear garbage bag tied loosely

3.5.3. move bags of baskets to floor, east side of platform in sanctuary

3.5.4. (14 "All Gluten Free" signs)

3.6. staff clean up

3.6.1. clean juice dispenser 5 min soak w/bleach water thoroughly rinse and dry return to box box to communion supply cabinet in back hall

3.6.2. wipe down tables

3.6.3. dirty kitchen towels to bin under sink

3.6.4. leftover juice to Shepherd's Room kitchen fridge

3.6.5. leftover crackers to Shepherd's Room island

4. Set-up

4.1. custodians set-up 9 aluminum and 6 resin tables

4.2. tablecloths are stored in the communion supply cabinets in the back hallway

4.3. put cloths on tables

4.4. 50 trays and 45 baskets placed on tables as indicated on sanctuary map for 8 AM and 9:30 AM services

4.5. hold 26 trays in reserve for 11:15 service

4.6. uncover all baskets and trays

4.7. between the 9:30 and 11:15 services

4.7.1. bring all trays less than 1/2 full to kitchen (at least 2 people)

4.7.2. replenish crackers (2 people)

4.7.3. replenish trays so we have 1400 cups available in the 11:15 service necessary only if fewer than 20 half-trays remain in sanctuary (# of trays to kitchen minus 30) divided by 2 = trays to go out

4.7.4. redistribute trays so heavily trafficked areas are adequately stocked

5. Clean-up

5.1. all trays and baskets to main kitchen with cart(s)

5.2. dump crackers, fold and stack napkins, stack baskets

5.3. dump cups; clean trays with light bleach spray and white terry custodial towel; stack trays (10/stack)

5.4. dirty white custodial towels to bin under sink

5.5. trays and baskets to communion storage cabinets

5.6. dirty tablecloths

5.6.1. put in clear 18-gal garbage bag

5.6.2. affix note "communion tablecloths for laundry"

5.6.3. set near washer in custodial supply room in back hallway.

5.7. clean tablecloths

5.7.1. fold and put in storage cabinets

5.8. return all carts to kitchen

5.9. lock kitchen doors

5.10. return key to receptionists' office