Reveg and Revamp south Sunshine station

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Reveg and Revamp south Sunshine station da Mind Map: Reveg and Revamp south Sunshine station

1. planning

1.1. The Plan

1.1.1. Budget OHS

1.2. Budget

1.3. OHS

1.4. Risk Assessment

1.5. Back up plan

1.6. Supervision

1.7. Monitoring

1.8. Liaise with volunteers

1.8.1. Create Facebook event 1x Clean up station day 1x Planting day 1x Thank you BBQ

1.9. Communicate with steakholders

1.10. communicate with Vicroads

2. Plants

2.1. Plant list

2.2. No. Plants

2.3. Collect the seeds

2.4. Find nursery

2.5. Transport

2.6. Collect the plants

2.7. Transport

3. Ammenities

3.1. Create visual plan

3.1.1. Positioning of items

3.2. Research costs and distributors of:

3.2.1. Cigarette bins x 3

3.2.2. Large rocks x 7

3.2.3. Additional bins x 2

3.2.4. Plant signs x 7

3.3. Order amenities

3.4. Transportation

3.5. Collecting items

3.6. Transport and storage

3.7. Communicate with local schools

4. Ground Prep

4.1. Equipment list

4.1.1. Rubbish clean up equipment gioves tongs hats rain poncho

4.2. Equipment

4.3. Volunteer clean up day

4.4. Vic Roads soil prep

5. Planting

5.1. Transportation of plants

5.2. Tool list

5.3. Tools

5.4. Plant Guards

5.4.1. Guards

5.4.2. Stakes

5.5. Water

5.6. Watering equipment

5.7. RSVP Volunteers

6. Ammenities Installation

6.1. Transport Items

6.2. Tool list

6.3. Tools

6.4. Hire contractors to install :

6.4.1. Bins/cigarette bins

6.4.2. Stepping stones

6.5. Primary schools paint species signs

6.6. Collect plant signs

6.7. Install plant signs

7. Thank you BBQ

7.1. Menu

7.2. Shopping List

7.3. Shopping

7.4. Equipment List

7.5. Cooks/helpers

7.6. Refrigeration

7.7. Cleaning

7.8. Garbage Disposal

7.9. Shelter

7.10. Transport