Prototype tools

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Prototype tools da Mind Map: Prototype tools

1. InVision Studio

1.1. Ease of use

1.2. Collaboration

1.3. Ecosystem

1.3.1. Mac & Win

1.3.2. Import Adobe XD Figma Sketch

1.3.3. iPhone & Android

2. Framer X

3. Protopie

3.1. Ease of use

3.2. Collaboration

3.3. Ecosystem

3.3.1. Mac & Win

3.3.2. Import Adobe XD Figma Sketch

3.3.3. iPhone & Android

4. UXPin

5. Figma

5.1. Ease of use

5.1.1. Navigation & Interface

5.1.2. Plugins & API Integration

5.2. Collaboration

5.3. Ecosystem

5.3.1. Mac & Win

5.3.2. iPhone & Android

6. Adobe XD

6.1. Ease of use

6.1.1. Navigation & Interface

6.1.2. Plugins & API Integration

6.2. Collaboration

6.3. Ecosystem

6.3.1. Mac & Win

6.3.2. iPhone & Android