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PODCAST(s) da Mind Map: PODCAST(s)

1. What we know

1.1. We are good at

1.1.1. Front-End

1.1.2. Back-End

1.1.3. Full-Stack

1.1.4. Continuous Integration

2. What we need to learn

2.1. ? Rust/WASM

2.2. Reactive Frameworks

3. Topics

3.1. React

3.1.1. SSR -> Ivan

3.1.2. CSS/ Bootstrap

3.1.3. Native

3.1.4. Electron

3.1.5. Why React

3.2. Javascript

3.2.1. REGEX - Mat

3.3. The Web (5) years ago til now

3.4. The Web (2) years from now

3.5. Electron

3.6. Node.js

3.7. MERN

3.8. Angular

3.9. AI/Machine Vision

3.10. Azure Devops - Mat

3.11. Scrum. Git - Mat

3.12. Github

3.13. Firebase - Mat

3.14. Interviews

3.14.1. what to expect

3.15. Freelance

4. Schedules

4.1. Releases

4.1.1. Saturdays? What days to release are best?

4.2. Recording

4.2.1. Flexible Multi-Hour Recordings Sound/Video Editing

5. Mission

5.1. Goals

5.2. To Build a Community of Listeners interested in the latest technologies discussed by people who use the technology. To become thought leaders in the space of Full Stack and other complimentary technologies.

6. Ad Sponsors

6.1. Approved / Yes

6.1.1. Mindmeister

6.1.2. Adobe

6.1.3. Google

6.1.4. Facebook

6.1.5. Envato

6.2. Pending / No

7. Strategies

7.1. Cover topics with conversation

8. Publishing Platforms

8.1. Youtube

8.1.1. Facebook

8.1.2. Spotify

9. Logistics of Show

9.1. No talking over each other

10. Other podcasts

10.1. Joe Rogan

10.1.1. Jake the snake


11. Series And Goals

11.1. Chad

11.2. Brian

11.3. Mat

11.3.1. Started developing 20 years ago

11.4. Ivan