1. Adoption and classification of plants and animals (1)

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1. Adoption and classification of plants and animals (1) da Mind Map: 1. Adoption and classification of plants and animals (1)

1. Adaptation

1.1. Gradual changes occur in the body parts and also in the behavior of organisms. Such called adaptations. They take place over a long period of time.

2. Types of plants

2.1. Insectivorous plants

2.1.1. The plants which grow in low nutrition soil develop their leaves like a trap for fullfill their needs by eating other insects.

2.2. Autotrophic plants

2.2.1. The plants which produce their own food by photosynthesis

2.3. Parasitic plants

2.3.1. The plants which depends on other plants for nutrition. By the help of haustorial roots they suck nutrition from host plant

2.4. Fungi

2.4.1. Fungi do not have chlorophyll and can not perform photosynthesis. They get food from starchy foodstuffs like Bhakri and bread. They have root-like fibers for absorption of food.

3. Plants

3.1. Aquatic plants

3.1.1. Some of the Aquatic plants are firmly rooted in the soil at the bottom of the water bodies. Their stems are submerged, while leaves and flowers float on the surface. However some plants are entirely afloat. Their roots and not anchored in the soil. The surfaces of many Aquatic plants are covered with a waxy layer. Leaves of some .Aquatic plants are thin and Slender like a ribbon. This shape helps them to withstand fast currents of water. Air spaces in stems and petioles of aquatic plants are useful for floating in water.

3.2. Desert plants

3.2.1. Desert plants are either leafless or their leaves are like small needles or have been consequently, they lose very litle water by evaporation. The stem stores water and food is therefore fleshy Theyperform photosynthesis in the absence of leaves Their roots penetrate deep in the soil and some roots spread out in the soi in search of modified in thorns. As a stems as are green water There is a thick layer of a waxy substance on the plants, too.

3.3. Snow region plants

3.3.1. Plants of snowy regions are mainly included conifers like deodar and pine. These trees are conical in shupe due to their sloping branches. In the heavysnowfall and extreme cold in these regions, their conical shape prevents the snow from accumulating onthe tree and the thick bark helps the tree to withstand the cold.

3.4. Forest region plants

3.4.1. A variety of plants, shrubs and herbs found in forests. These plants are compete in themselves for sunlight. grow tall to get sunlight and climbers and vines grow well Spring-like tendrils, trees on the stems of some climbers example of adaptation.

3.5. Grasslands plants

3.5.1. Diverse types of bushes and grasses are found in the grasslands. Fibrous roots of grasses prevent soil erosion. Forests in the equatorial area are dense Animals like tiger, elephants and deer have remained hidden in these grasses. However, the grasses in cold regions are very short. Animals like the rabbit are found in such grasses Vast meadows are found in hilly areas as well as plains.

4. Animals

4.1. Snowy animals

4.1.1. A white or silver body colour, long, thick hair on the skin are typically in characteristics of snowy region animals.

4.2. Desert animals

4.2.1. Desert animals have a thick skin to prevent loss of water from the body. Their legs are long and flat and cushion souls. The nostrils are protected by source of skins and the eyelashes of are long and thick. Rat, snakes, spiders, lizards in the desert live in the burrows during the daytime and are active at night.

4.3. Grass/forest animal

4.3.1. Carnivorious Carnivorous animals have strong legs to run fast and capture their prey. They have Claws and their canine teeth are sharp and pointed. Tigers have paddle paws. This enables them to walk silently stalk their pray and captured it easily The eyes of the Predator are located in the front of their head. It help them to spot their prey from a long distance.

4.3.2. Harbivorious The eyes of herbivorous are below the forehead, on either side of the head. This gives them Wide Angle vision which helps to protect them from predators. Their legs are long and tapering with the hooves and which enables them to run fast and taking long leaps. There long and freely moving ears can receive sounds from long distance and the different directions. To deer and blackbucks have colour that merge with their surroundings. Their strong teeth bacon Chu top plant material.

4.4. Water animal

4.4.1. Fishes had developed their own habitats, food-habits, and they had a vertebral column, wings, gills, tail, etc.

4.4.2. They had air bladders within the body to help them to float and they had transparent eyelids.

4.4.3. The ducks webbed toes, water flows off the waxy feathers of the birds and waterhen. Webbed toes, slippery, smooth skin help ducks to swim easily on water

4.5. Birds

4.5.1. The spindle-shaped body of the birds also minimise the resistance of air while flying. With hollow bones, a body covering of feathers and modification of fore legs into Wings, their body is light in weight and adapted for flying.

4.5.2. INSECTS The body of insects also is light in weight and tapers at both ends. That can fly with two pairs of wings and also walk with 6 stick-like legs. Bats can fly with the help of patagium, a thin fold of skin between their forelegs and hind legs.

4.6. Reptiles

4.6.1. Animals like house lizard, garden lizard, crocodiles use their muscles for creeping. They show adaptations in skin, soles of feet, body colour, etc. The house lizard and monitor lizard have clawed toes and thin soles, whereas snakes have a scaly skin.

4.7. Amphibian animals

4.7.1. frogs have webbed toes, water flows off the waxy layer Webbed toes, slippery, smooth skin and a triangular head help frogs to swim easily on water

5. Types of animals

5.1. Carnivorous

5.1.1. The animals who eat other animals as their food.

5.2. Herbivorous

5.2.1. The animals who eat only plants

5.3. Omnivorous

5.3.1. The animals who eat both the flash and plants also

5.4. Scavengers

5.4.1. The animals who eat only the remain flesh or eaten remain of flesh