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Eating out da Mind Map: Eating out

1. Are you ready to order?

1.1. ...excuse me

1.1.1. I beg your pardon...

1.2. There’s something wrong with my order!

1.3. There is some mistake

1.4. I’m afraid I didn’t order this dish (мне жаль, я не заказывала это блюдо)

1.5. Anything else? (Что-нибудь ещё?)

1.6. Could you pass me the salt / the pepper, please?

1.7. Here it is. / Here you are. / There you go (вот,возьмите)

2. -

3. -

4. -

5. -

6. -

7. a bill / a check please?

7.1. -

7.2. Can I have a bill?

7.3. Can I have a check, please?

7.4. Are tips included into a bill / a price ? (Чаевые включены в счёт / стоимость?)

7.4.1. Новый узел

8. Coffee to go (grab a cup of coffee)

8.1. -

8.2. I’d like a latte

8.2.1. With sugar

8.3. -

8.4. I would like a cup of capuchino

8.5. Excuse me, can I have a ...

8.5.1. -

8.6. -

8.7. -

8.8. What size is it?

8.8.1. How much is it?

8.8.2. How much does it cost?

8.9. Would you like a cake?

8.10. Would you like to have ...

8.10.1. ... it out

8.10.2. ... It here?

8.10.3. Outdoors / indoors

8.11. -

8.12. -

8.13. You can keep the change ( оставьте сдачу)