Instructional Design?

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Instructional Design? da Mind Map: Instructional Design?

1. History

1.1. "There had been no organization devoted to the study of how people learn or how to study methods of delivering instruction. Although there had been scattered attempts to improve instruction throughout history, no specific discipline had emerged to guide these efforts". (Brown & Green, 2017, pg. 5)

1.1.1. "By 1915, the application of scientific methods to the solution of educational problems had won out among the leaders in American education, setting the stage for the development of Dewey’s linking science, which scholars such as Snellbecker (1974) suggest is the discipline of instructional design." (Brown & Green, 2017, pg. 6) "Educators began to develop an experimental view of instruction. Along with testing students to see what they knew, the newly organized discipline of educational psychology devised tests for the purpose of discovering whether the instruction worked. The traditional approach had been for an educator to focus completely on the information that should be included in the lesson; instructional design demanded that the educator add to that some consideration for how the information was to be organized and presented based on what is known about the learners and their abilities." (Brown & Green, 2017, 0g. 6) Educational Phsychology began in 1892.

2. Three step Process

2.1. 1 Analyze the situation to determine what instruction is necessary and what steps need to be taken to deliver that instruction. 2 Produce and implement the instructional design. 3 Evaluate the results of implementing the instructional design.

2.2. Examples

2.2.1. ADDIE

3. Definition

3.1. According to Smith and Ragan (2005), instructional design may be currently defined as “the systematic and reflective process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials, activities, information resources, and evaluation” (p. 4).

3.1.1. As a linking science, instructional design is a discipline that constantly looks to the findings of other disciplines (e.g., cognitive psychology, communication) to study and improve methods of developing, delivering, and evaluating instruction and instructional practices. (pg. 6)

4. Duties

4.1. "An instructional designer’s job is to create something that enables a person or group of people to learn about a particular topic or develop or improve a set of skills, or to encourage the learner to conduct further study." (Brown & Green, 2017, pg. 7)

4.1.1. The “something” created can take many forms: a lecture, a multimedia presentation, the curriculum for a year’s study, a piece of computer software, an in-person demonstration, or a test-preparation booklet. (pg. 7) However, everything an instructional designer creates has something in common with all other instructional designs: The designer has identified a need for instruction and decided on a method for delivering that instruction.

5. Professional Design Practice

5.1. Traditional- Assigned curriculum and evaluation procedures that include awarding of letter grades and promotion.

5.1.1. Non Academic Organizations- traditions and requirements specific to that organizationa and tradition.