Exploiting mobile technologies in learning (11 Jan 12 )

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Exploiting mobile technologies in learning (11 Jan 12 ) da Mind Map: Exploiting mobile technologies in learning (11 Jan 12 )

1. Tom Rank; Chair, NATE ICT Committee

1.1. the challenge of sweeping away curriculum

1.1.1. Streaming lessons from high flying academies

1.1.2. what can happen if we empower teachers in classroom.

1.1.3. www.nate.org.uk/ict

1.1.4. we speak more than write record each other, reflect, critique. increased confidence, quality etc. Students discovering for themselves

2. Bottom up - learners bring knowledge & competences etc into school

3. Achievement for all - 3 As

3.1. New framework

3.2. DfE commission

3.3. Originally SEN, now encompasses whole school improvement

3.4. Improvement in pupils seen acros the board

3.5. 4 elements - school leadership, high quality T&L, Creating engagement, wider outcomes

3.6. So much to use eg mobile app instead of flash cards

3.7. Interaction, mobile devices - supporting literacy, improves linking with parents

4. What do we understand by learning - and what is not learning?

4.1. At risk leaners- what do we mean in relationship to achievement?

4.2. Literacy - what contribution can mobile devices make?

4.3. If we lose literacy, how can we map to personal literacy, mobile devices and multi-modality?

5. Strategic issues in mobile learning

5.1. Videos for learning and at risk learners

5.2. iPads for learning

5.3. Design your own learning

5.4. Planning mobile learning in schools

5.4.1. 24/7 anytime anywhere learning

5.4.2. Independent learning

5.4.3. Mobile learning hard to bring into school - activities, skills, new knowledge, external interests

5.4.4. Issues learners bring

5.4.5. Considerations of structure Top down - teachers & learners adjust to technologies Affordance - demand led

5.4.6. Aspeccts of learners' lives, engaging in structures and practises - knowledge building

5.4.7. Parameters - relationship of formal & informal learning; tensions to overcome How can tensions be reconciled Contextualise learning, relationship; casual to planned structures needed - scaffolding, tools, situated learning. Various experiences. Concepts of what learning is Make project transparent & open to others. Scale level & transparency

5.5. Importance of videos to learners

5.5.1. At risk learners

5.5.2. alternative spaces - not school learning

5.5.3. mobiles to organise life - ownership

5.5.4. Provide meaning & impact for formal learning

5.5.5. learners become expert within community

5.5.6. Video genres viewed are related to school curriculum, exam prep

5.5.7. teachers encourage use of video at home has effect of increasing similar use at school learners love to own content

5.6. Bringing mobiles into classrooms

5.6.1. How is iPad different to what is already there Different functions to netbook/ibooks

5.6.2. Gap - how students live & learn

5.6.3. Need to increase engagement

5.6.4. Evidence - digtal technolgies can engage

5.6.5. 1:1 access

5.6.6. no physical barrier between teacher:learner, more time for learning, battery life, notes in one place, min tech support required

5.6.7. infrastructure dependent, browser limitation, no USB, only via iTunes,

5.6.8. gains & losses in time, learning management, cost,

5.6.9. don't map new tech to old curricula, need new curricula Australian model

5.6.10. Easy to repurpose artefacts eg novel > cartoon

5.6.11. Multi-function afford opportunities for learning

6. iPod Touch project

6.1. Wembley - economically deprived

6.2. iPods to give access to learning at home

6.3. 22% EAL - weak English skills

6.4. 25% SEN

6.5. Researching bespoke apps via Epic/GoMo

6.6. Access via wireless LAN

6.7. Funding ElF & voluntary parent contributions (parents very willing despite economic hardship)

6.8. Aim to increase 2 levels attainment, engagement, suvey by IoE, access to Free school meals

6.9. personalised learning, embedded ICT

6.10. Apps include translation, word games etc - real gains for EAL (English as an additional language)

6.11. Beginner EAL access group - apps for Shakespeare, Science - cells, filming, music

6.12. I like having iPod it helps my learning and understanding words (link to new Ofsted framework)

6.13. Pupils love apps to reinforce leson learning & learning at home

6.14. Makes learning fun

6.15. Pupils creating own apps

6.16. Pupil created content downloaded & used in lessons eg formative assessment. Very early in project

7. Summary

7.1. independence & responsibility

7.2. collaborative learning

7.3. share good prectice

7.4. technology focussed on supporting at risk learners

7.5. enhanced learning for most challenged

7.6. on demand, bottom up not top down

7.7. challenge of access & digital divide

7.8. It's not about technology but the learner. Not just at risk but all. Are there new ways, do we need to change.

7.9. Staying ahead of technology not running to catch up

8. Tweets (samples from afternoon)

8.1. This afternoon session kicks off about Achievement for All Sue Briggs Three A's charity #BETT2010 #MMAFA (live at ustre.am/GA7A) eyebeams Leon Cych

8.2. #MMAFA MindMap now taking place live is.gd/fMgprt theokk theo kuechel

8.3. #MMAFA Klaus Rummler exploiting mobile tech in classroom - providing opportunities for at risk learners #BETT2010 #MMAFA theokk theo kuechel

8.3.1. The audience is going to have to do some work - Klaus dishing out devices #MMAFA #BETT2010 theokk theo kuechel

8.3.2. #mmafa @judithsei implementing m-learning.... three approaches ..on demand, top down, bottom up dan_bowen Dan Bowen

8.3.3. Maybe they need to see it in terms of different narratives #mmafa eyebeams Leon Cych

8.3.4. Looking at learning in terms of orchestrating the community maye #Mmafa eyebeams Leon Cych

8.3.5. Benefits of using tablets in school session now on at #MMafa miranda net at #BETT_show cliffmanning cliff manning

8.3.6. Pesquisdores sobre mobile learning no Brasil podem acompanhar uma boa sobre o assunto pela #mmafa marcosabarros Marcos Barros

8.3.7. Would cost also be a barrier. The IP@d is not the cheapest device #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

8.3.8. Many teachers tell me Instant start up is one of simplest but biggest benefits of using tablets #Mmafa cliffmanning cliff manning

8.3.9. New tech requires new model of curriculum #Mmafa cliffmanning cliff manning

8.3.10. #mmafa handheld,Portable,desktop and.now agile space. Ipads in education @luise_lugwig lots of advantages so far dan_bowen Dan Bowen

8.3.11. Where did students save work if they saved it? More time for discussion/ reflection? What more prep purela a cultural thing? #MMAFA eyebeams Leon Cych

8.3.12. Did the tech drive interactions of student / teachers or other way around? Or both? #mmafa eyebeams Leon Cych

8.3.13. #mmafa New ways to assess new learning? cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

8.3.14. Using dropbox or similar cloud storage with IP@ds could work well in ed settings #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

8.3.15. Which activities were more successful for collaborative synchronous/ asynchronous working? #Mmafa eyebeams Leon Cych

8.3.16. #mmafa New ways of working in the classroom with an iPad - but will we see new teaching from new teachers? cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

8.3.17. I read that us lot google stuff. But the young people youtube it. #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

8.3.18. @mattpearson Lots of walkthroughs in gaming on YouTube as well - peer to peer tutoring with screen casts of games #MMAFA eyebeams Leon Cych

8.3.19. #mmafa At risk learners trade and download files & create alternative spaces but their learning & communication is alternative. They own it. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

8.3.20. @eyebeams three ways, teacher led, student led or dynamic as and when use. #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

8.3.21. 'Digital content has added value as owned goods for young, specifically at risk/disadvantaged' interesting i hadn't considered before #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

8.4. In 10 years time will we still be agonising about how formal education connects with digital informal learning #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

8.5. RT @eyebeams: This afternoon session - Achievement for All Sue Briggs Three A's charity #BETT2010 #MMAFA (live at is.gd/rwNR4R) theokk theo kuechel

8.6. I'm Brazilian. I wish to visit school in England that use mobile devices....#mmafa marcosabarros Marcos Barros

8.7. Hi Lisa @Lisibo glad you're enjoying #mmafa's stream in Switzerland eyebeams Leon Cych

8.8. Limited research to show that students making or remodelling/mashing up videos better than passive watching leaning into rather back #MMAFA eyebeams Leon Cych

8.9. #mmafa video learning via YouTube for exam preparation - but is most effective when promoted by teachers cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

8.9.1. #mmafa However, that's just as passive as watching TV ... cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

8.10. On www.radiowaves.co.uk we see students video creation in and out of school for learning very prevalent - over 100,000 stories #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

8.11. Copland Community School

8.11.1. Copland community school ..Ruth and Andy iPods #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

8.11.2. #mmafa Ruth and Andy from Copland Community School on enhancing learning with iPod touch theokk theo kuechel

8.11.3. Teacher Practitioners now speaking at #MMAFA (live at ustre.am/GA7A) eyebeams Leon Cych

8.11.4. #mmafa RT @eyebeams: Last session of the day (live at is.gd/rwNR4R) theokk theo kuechel

8.11.5. Copland school starting to make own apps for iPod touches #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

8.11.6. #mmafa work at Copland Community School Wembley with iPod devices. All Y7 learners given an iPod Touch with access to wireless LAN. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

8.11.7. Talk of practical deployments from Copland Community School interesting facts #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

8.11.8. @cliffmanning #mmafa iPhone (4s) video superb Q. great editing tools tools - @eyebeams has a long list - so suck to the buffs ; ) theokk theo kuechel

8.11.9. Brill, gomo app devlopment taking iPod touch devices a step further #mmafa anyone used this? dan_bowen Dan Bowen

8.11.10. Copland aims to provide internet access in *all* lessons. #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

8.11.11. A real target, more than two sub levels..now we are talking...using iPod touch devices in every lesson. Loaded up with apps #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

8.11.12. #mmafa Copland project aims to develop independent learning - amongst other things - through a range of apps. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

8.11.13. iPod touches ideal for quick and easy translation tool for EAL students - Copland school #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

8.11.14. #mmafa …. use translation apps instead of dictionaries - and why not? great ideas from Copland theokk theo kuechel

8.11.15. #mmafa erm, the new ofsted criteria mentioned...literacy links. Love it. EAL student says 'it has helped.me.to improve in eng and sci dan_bowen Dan Bowen

8.11.16. Interesting debate. Is the iPod touch as big a screen as you need for mobile learning. No need for iP:d #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

8.11.17. I'm not anti iP/d (despite tweets). Just look at alternatives #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

8.11.18. Great discussion about the practical hassle of setting up handhelds - Ip address, app licensing, t&ca - same Old tech issues! #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

8.12. Katya Tonya Flat Classroom Project

8.12.1. @theokk - improving but as lang learning tool, they're not good as often don't choose words using context and learners become reliant #mmafa lisibo lisibo

8.12.2. #mmafa Katya Toneva talking about her flat classroom project to enhance language learning. Students use wireless-enabled netbooks. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

8.12.3. #mmafa Indeed - I accept your point - I was thinking in context of pupils who couldn't speak eng. but need to get meaning instantly theokk theo kuechel

8.12.4. @lisibo I accept you argument, but I was thinking of cldrn who cant speak much eng. who need to understand in that instant #mmafa theokk theo kuechel

8.12.5. @theokk - that's not as bad. I use to get the gist of letters in Swiss German here! However, I wouldn't use to e.g. write a letter #mmafa lisibo lisibo

8.12.6. 'Video production can help language development' #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

8.12.7. RT @cliffmanning: 'Video production can help language development' #MMAFA < agree theokk theo kuechel

8.12.8. Interview with real student and staff about games. I would add that good teachers have always used games to support learning #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

8.13. NATE

8.13.1. Good to see NATE sharing links in #mmafa www.nate.org.uk/ict. mattpearson Matthew Pearson

8.13.2. Tom Rank from NATE on how ICT can support language learning. #mmafa. cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

8.13.3. 'spoken English is the Cinderella aspect of English in school' #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

8.13.4. We have seen a selective mute gain confidence to speak with others through creating audio podcasts and getting peer comments #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

8.14. Finally all 4 presentations uploaded cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/6059 #mmafa #bett_show @judithsei @luise_Ludwig klausr klausr

8.15. #MMAFA thanks to the University Of Bedfordshire students theokk theo kuechel

8.16. “@cliffmanning: Many teachers tell me Instant start up is one of simplest but biggest benefits of using tablets #MMafa” Indeed. Makes sense. wjputt John

9. #mmafa Sue Briggs - children should be able to use voice reg software by as a matter of course to develop literacy theokk theo kuechel

10. How can mobile learning help improve the home-school link

10.1. How to develop a common language to enable teachers and learners to talk to each other

10.2. Do mobile technologies encourage young boys to engage in literacy

10.3. How to get cross school fertilisation/collaboration

10.4. Creativity - how mobile technology can help pupils show big experiences from outside school, inside school; and then start to develop artefacts. An example? a pupil video of a new born baby

10.4.1. Experiences in & out of school

11. Innovative technology to develop language

11.1. nicknames for e-safety

11.2. mainly netbooks

11.3. producing films

11.4. gaming on smartphones

11.5. EAL students research & present information using storyboards

11.6. learning & developing range of language skills

11.7. students plan project

12. Tweets (samples from morning)

12.1. #MMAfA In London for BETT12: Wednesday - Saturday Grand Hall Gallery Room One for the MirandaMods. See programme at bit.ly/zF4ks9 cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

12.2. #MMAfA bit.ly/zF4ks9 judithsei Judith Seipold

12.3. Going to BETT, then do consider attending the Mirandamod sessions bit.ly/xnkM38 great free CPD (in teachmeet style) please RT #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

12.4. In first Mirandamod for Achievement for All #mmafa attempting multimodal approach to exploring mobile learning tonyparkin Tony Parkin

12.5. Achievement for all "the classroom is not the only place for learning" interesting ideas by Sue Briggs #mmafa #bett_show luise_ludwig Luise Ludwig

12.6. #mmafa RT @luise_ludwig: Achievement for all "the classroom is not the only place for learning" interesting ideas by Sue Briggs #mmafa theokk theo kuechel

12.7. RT @theokk: #mmafa Sue Briggs - AfA introduces the AfA framework tonyparkin Tony Parkin

12.8. Norbert pachler, IoE now mobile learning Www.londonmobilelearning.net #mmafa great research and case studies dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.9. #mmafa Norbert Pachler asks how social and cultural practices of young peoples 'naive expertise' in mob tech interfaces with learning theokk theo kuechel

12.10. Norbert Pachler talking about pervasive tech and how schools deal with this (mostly banning them) #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

12.11. RT @eyebeams: AfA Mirandamod live stream Achievement for All start to BETT at is.gd/rwNR4R #MMAFA Learning_21C 21CLearningAlliance

12.12. Norbert Pachler says schools mostly ban mobiles which doesn't allow you to use the affordances of the tech for learning #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.13. #mmafa italk quickvoice blackberry (vr lite) ...talking tin lids and books for sen .brill for ASD kids dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.14. Seems as if schools ban these technologies instead of encouraging them #mmafa gpc007 Grant

12.15. #mmafa Norbert - focus on personal devices - original phones but now other devices as well theokk theo kuechel

12.16. #mmafa see this regularly myself ..there is a disconnect between kids use of tech and schools dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.17. @dan_bowen do think the disconnect is growing, diminishing or static? #mmafa @ theokk theo kuechel

12.18. Have you ever read the full ts and cs when signing up for an online service asks Pachler #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

12.19. Very good point about sites t&c and attitudes towards risk..we all do it...but in particular boys and at risk learners #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.20. Excelente palestra de Norbert Pachler sobre o London Mobile Group #mmafa #bett_show marcosabarros Marcos Barros

12.21. #mmafa Norbert Pachler you need a 'lawyer' to understand the T&C of online services (e.g google) this affect young people adversely theokk theo kuechel

12.22. ustream.tv/channel/mmafa#… Norman Pachler on At-Risk learners at #BETT2012 #MMAFA eyebeams Leon Cych

12.23. RT @dan_bowen: Very good point about sites t&c and attitudes towards risk..we all do it...but in particular boys and at risk learners #mmafa ictregister ICT Register

12.24. Norbert Pachler "it's difficult for schools to ignore mobile devices" #mmafa #bett_show luise_ludwig Luise Ludwig

12.25. #mmafa mobile text success in communication has to be redefined- recognise different outcomes. Illendil David Fuller

12.26. Ask the question. What is NOT learning ..better than what is learning #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.27. Pachler provides a critical perspective opn mobile learning. Is it repackaging or facilitating meaning making #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

12.28. #mmafa when looking around BETT review what you see and decide is it repackaging or is it augmenting the learning. Interesting ....Illendil David Fuller

12.29. See some of my work on at-risk learners bit.ly/xY4cPi #mmafa #bett_show #lmlg #mlearning klausr klausr

12.30. Pachler providing an elegant academic counterpoint to the more commercial aspects of BETT. Check out #mmafa for more details mattpearson Matthew Pearson

12.31. Much deeper debate going on about making meaning at #BETT 2012 by Norbert Pachler ustream.tv/channel/mmafa#… #MMAFA eyebeams Leon Cych

12.32. #mmafa User Generated Content (& context) make the video of a walk - a learning experience theokk theo kuechel

12.33. #mmafa using example of the learning of a six year old compared to an adult but still learning takes place. Good stuff! Illendil David Fuller

12.34. discussion - african learning technology progress #mmafa 10% with internet (seen lots of Vodacom shops in Soweto myself) mobiles #1 dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.34.1. #mmafa 2 out of 3 have access to mobiles now in africa. Continued on Saturday dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.34.2. Mozambique uni using rich note provision and also farmers communicating with each other #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.35. #mmafa Christine Terry: Head Grays School - Infant and Nursery up next #bett2012 theokk theo kuechel

12.35.1. Thanks to Christine highlights some families in B&B accommodation - certainly have no Internet, often overlooked #mmafa #bett2012 theokk theo kuechel

12.35.2. U Christine says technology best way to record recognise young children's achievements #mmafa #bett2012 theokk theo kuechel

12.35.3. #mmafa I think the wiki's that Gray's school use are a very good idea however if some parents don't have Internet how can they access them gpc007 Grant

12.35.4. #mmafa some great practice...actually some really great practice from grays school west Sussex #bett dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.36. John Cook"User generated Contexts: use of mobile technologies by primary school children in five schools in North East Lincolnshire" #mmafa luise_ludwig Luise Ludwig

12.36.1. #mmafa John Cook - successful theories are triangular - theokk theo kuechel

12.36.2. Ah ipodtouch devices... Great idea or stop frame and qr code tests for assessment #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

12.36.3. #mmafa talks about handheld learning project in Northern schools is.gd/dyNNfB theokk theo kuechel

12.36.4. #mmafa John says mobile tech breaking down home school barriers theokk theo kuechel

12.36.5. luise_ludwig Luise Ludwig #mmafa Kevin Burden UoHull - tells of collaborative learning between schs, also children teaching children r really teaching the teachers theokk theo kuechel

12.36.6. #mmafa mobile technologies can be a back door to literacies…. engagement, parents BYOD theokk theo kuechel

12.36.7. really enjoying playback of @eyebeams' streaming from #BETT 2012 of MirandaMod Achievement for all ustream.tv/channel/mmafa#… #MMAFA Back soon? lisibo lisibo