Project: a school study visit

Plan your lessons and the goals of your lessons as well as including important content

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Project: a school study visit da Mind Map: Project: a school study visit

1. Notes

1.1. Lesson or Series Title

1.2. Goals of Each Lesson

1.3. Objectives

1.4. Reasoning

1.5. Content

1.6. Method of Instruction

1.7. Method of Evaluation

2. Resources

2.1. Materials

2.2. People

2.3. Facilities

2.4. money needed?

3. Objectives

3.1. Main objective 1

3.1.1. visit an english speaking country/city

3.2. Main objective 2

3.2.1. learn about a different culture

3.3. Main objective 3

3.3.1. survive in an english speaking environment

4. Prerequisites

4.1. Review

4.2. Goals

4.3. Set context

5. How to plan the visit?

6. group/12th class