Enterprise Computing

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Enterprise Computing da Mind Map: Enterprise Computing

1. Users: Who/which types of persons use/s it in a company?

1.1. Buchhaltung

1.2. Disponent

1.2.1. Managt Logistik

1.3. CRM

1.4. Chirurg

2. Storage: Where is the enterprise data stored?

2.1. Achtung sensible Daten

2.2. Cloud

2.3. Lokal

2.3.1. "on premise"

3. Computing: Where are the apps running? Where is the Business Logic to be applied?

4. Media: On which devices are the apps used?

4.1. Desktop-Bildschirme

4.1.1. Büroumfeld

4.2. Mobile Erfassungsgeräte

4.2.1. Logistik

4.3. CRM: im Büro und unterwegs

4.4. Kombination Computer/Bildschrim mit Tefefonie

4.5. Sprachsteuerung

5. Applications: What functions are users working using Information System support?

5.1. FIBU

5.2. CRM

5.3. PPS