Exploring Identities

Exploring Identities

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Exploring Identities da Mind Map: Exploring Identities

1. Goals

1.1. Not to be lazy

1.2. Try to communicate

1.3. Become a better person

2. Inside

2.1. Sometimes want to be alone

2.2. Sometimes need someone to be with

2.3. Sometimes is clam

2.4. But sometimes is emotional

2.5. Complicated and also easy to explore

3. Who you are

3.1. A matter

3.2. From different places

3.3. Wonder somebody will know you

4. Interests

4.1. Music

4.1.1. Folk music

4.1.2. Pop music

4.1.3. Rock music

4.1.4. Opera

4.2. Books

4.2.1. 《Harry Potter》

4.2.2. 《The Little Prince》

4.3. Movies

4.3.1. 《Harry Potter》

4.3.2. 《V for Vendetta 》

4.3.3. 《La vita è bella》

4.4. TV shows

4.4.1. 《Good Omens》

4.4.2. 《Inside No. 9》

5. Self-Identity

5.1. 1.Interests

5.2. 2.Attitude

5.3. 3.Times

5.4. 4.Environment

5.5. 5.Fashion/Style/Clothing

5.6. 6.Nationality,Country or city(where you live or where you come from)

5.7. 7.Hobbies

5.8. 8.Traditions

5.9. 9.People around

5.10. 10.Experience

5.11. 11.DNA

5.12. 12.The ways your family treated

5.13. 13.Language

5.14. 14.Health conditions/Well-being

5.15. 15.Dislikes

5.16. 16.Depth of thought/Opinions/imagination

5.17. 17.Curiosity

5.18. 18.Name,nickname

5.19. 19.Feelings/Emotions

5.20. 20.Personality:calm,shy,emotional,etc.

5.21. 21.Jobs

5.22. 22.Age(Birthday)

5.23. 23.Religion/Beliefs

5.24. 24.Appearance/Looks

5.25. 25.Race(the color of your skin)

5.26. 26.Skills/Achievement

5.27. 27.Class status(rich,poor,middle class)

5.28. 28.School/Knowledge

5.29. 29.Relationships

5.30. 30.Idols

5.31. 31.Fears

5.32. 32.Sex/Gender(he,she,they)

5.33. Hopes/Dreams