Exploring Identities

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Exploring Identities da Mind Map: Exploring Identities

1. Your job

1.1. Boss

1.2. teacher

1.3. Worker

1.4. Doctor

1.5. Singer

1.6. Dancer

2. hobbies

2.1. play table tennis

2.2. build LEGO

2.3. play computer games

2.4. fishing

2.5. sleeping

2.6. eating

3. personality

4. feeling/emotions

5. religions/beliefs

6. thoughts/opinions/imagination

7. class statues

8. fears(the things you're scaraed of)

9. hopes/dreams

10. look(hair, eyes,face)

11. Background

11.1. Families

11.2. Age

11.3. Name

11.4. Man

11.5. Woman

12. business

12.1. 💰💴 💵 money

13. style/fashion/clothes

14. interest

14.1. music

14.2. movie

14.3. traveling

14.4. watch TV

15. nationality ,country or city(where you live or where you're from)

16. rase(the color of your skin)

17. health/well-being

18. sex/gender

18.1. he

18.2. she

18.3. they

19. idols(someone you want to be or look up to)

20. school/knowledge(what you know or know)

21. achievements/skills