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NGO da Mind Map: NGO

1. roles

1.1. To preserve, protect and promote cultural heritage.

1.2. To be a facilitator of cultural heritage.

2. definition

2.1. visibility

2.1.1. Set up different promotional events on popular social media

2.1.2. Raise the awareness of the local community

2.2. accessibility

2.2.1. Set up local tour, being the tour guide

2.2.2. Provide relevant information to the public on how to access to CH, such as transportation through mass media

2.2.3. Voice/urge to the government to improve the transportation system

2.3. sustainability

2.3.1. Provide educational services and tours

2.3.2. Set up preservation standard for future preservation

2.3.3. Join Government legislation process discussion for better policies making

3. what could do

3.1. Organize activities about the CH to the local community

3.2. Education talks, tour guide with the locals

3.3. Recruit volunteers to help

3.4. Raise local views of the CH to the government

3.5. Organize communication platform between the government and the locals

3.6. As a representation of the community

4. expectation

4.1. Government

4.1.1. Set up regulations to protect and preserve the CH (financial support)

4.1.2. Lead the community

4.1.3. Provide monetary support

4.2. GLAMS

4.2.1. Cooperate with us on preserving CH, such as providing academic support, exhibition venue

4.3. Community

4.3.1. Give comments and support to our NGOs promotion

4.3.2. Actively participate in the activities (e.g. education)

4.3.3. Positive manner in protecting the cultural heritage

5. concerns

5.1. Insufficient monetary support and budget

5.2. Shrinking industry, lack of government support

5.3. Lack of public attention