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OH! 神s? da Mind Map: OH! 神s?

1. medicine

1.1. horseshoe crab blood

1.1.1. can combat against cancer

2. Air

2.1. 80% of oxygen

3. Ecosystem

3.1. Diversity of life

3.1.1. Coral reefs

3.1.2. Mangrove

3.1.3. wetland

3.2. Maintain balance among all organisms

4. Fun facts

4.1. Black sea is not black

4.2. Red sea is not red

4.3. Dead sea is not dead

4.4. Pacific ocean is not pacific

4.5. You are not yourself?!

4.6. Nani?!

5. Fun Facts?

5.1. over 100,000 mammals and 1 million sea birds die from plastic litter every year

6. climate regulation

6.1. regulate temperature

6.1.1. 50 times better than the atmosphere ocean transports heat from the equator to the poles

6.2. absorb 80% of climate change

7. economic use

7.1. transportation

7.1.1. trading

7.1.2. tourism

7.1.3. transportation of various material

7.2. recreation

7.2.1. beaches swimming

7.2.2. surfing

7.2.3. diving

7.3. underwater resources

7.3.1. food marine creatures underwater plants

7.3.2. fossil fuels

7.4. Rubbish bin

7.4.1. tons of waste are left in the ocean