Racial disparities in Asthma

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Racial disparities in Asthma da Mind Map: Racial disparities in Asthma

1. Individual/ Family

1.1. Stress

1.2. Health insurance cost

1.2.1. Transportation to ER/PCP

1.3. Family history of asthma

1.4. Exposure to asthma triggers

1.4.1. Physical exertion

1.4.2. Mold

1.4.3. Have a cold

1.5. Family cultural norms

1.5.1. Attitudes about asthma

1.5.2. Language barriers

2. Neighborhood/ Community

2.1. Household SES

2.1.1. Apt quality

2.1.2. Treatment burden

2.2. School quality

2.2.1. Teacher support Understanding asthma, having action plaan

2.2.2. Social acceptance of Asthma Ability to carry inhailer

2.3. Residential segregation

2.4. Environmental exposures

2.4.1. Air quality

2.5. Community health support / education

2.6. Safety

2.7. Access to parks

3. Societal/State

3.1. State policies

3.1.1. Cost of ED visits vs PCP Insurance Private or Gov't (Medicaid) Medication for asthma

3.1.2. Air quality standards Subsidies for alt energy

3.1.3. School policies

3.2. Structural Racism

3.2.1. lack power/control

3.2.2. Microagressions

3.2.3. Redlining