Beginners Guide to Network Mobile

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Beginners Guide to Network Mobile da Mind Map: Beginners Guide to Network Mobile

1. Becoming a network mobile partner

2. Why network mobile?

2.1. Earn big from day one

2.2. Wide choice of mobile tariffs, add-ons and digital products

2.3. Grow your business

2.4. Complete mobile hardware solution

2.5. Billing, coverage and security

2.6. Be the first to react to market

3. What is it?

3.1. Network billed airtime from the three major UK carriers

3.2. Range of tariffs, add-ons and digital products

3.3. Who's it for?

3.3.1. Mobile, IT and telecoms providers of all shapes and sizes. From sole traders through to SMEs.

4. The networks

4.1. O2

4.1.1. Why O2? Brief overview of tariffs and solutions. Example tariffs

4.2. EE

4.2.1. Why EE? Brief overview of tariffs and solutions Example tariffs

4.3. Vodafone

4.3.1. Why Vodafone? Brief overview of tariffs and solutions. Example tariffs

5. How does it work

5.1. Partner sells into customer. It's a marketplace for the customer, they can go direct to network or use a local provider with local knowledge who may already supply their telecoms anyway.

5.2. Partner manages and nurtures customer relationship. Deals with queries.

5.3. DWS manages admin and connects customer on partners behalf. Supports in other areas too, including sales and marketing. Also responsible for ensuring payment of commission to partner.

5.4. Finance arrangements

5.4.1. Partner is paid a share of the revenue (demonstrated as a %)

5.4.2. Revenue share can be paid up front or on a residual, monthly basis. It is based on the monthly committed line rental of the tariff. Explain why customer might want to advance their revenue share.

5.4.3. Example diagram

5.4.4. Revenue share payable is usually coupled with bonuses or commission to allow partner to earn big from day one and inject a healthy amount of cash into the business.

6. Bring in quotes from partners and staff