Linking FNMI Content to Technology

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Linking FNMI Content to Technology da Mind Map: Linking FNMI Content to Technology

1. Pinterest

1.1. Find Indigenous themed art projects

1.1.1. Colouring pictures

1.1.2. Examples of paintings to emulate

1.1.3. Beading / weaving projects

2. Mindmeister / Coggle

2.1. Create timeline of events relating to FNMI in Canada

2.2. Students can share what they know about Indigenous culture (as in introductory activity)

3. Native Tech

3.1. Online Interactive Games

3.1.1. Virtual Wampun Belt

3.1.2. Interactive Bead Graph

3.1.3. Match the Dyes and Quilts

3.1.4. Picture Match

3.1.5. Virtual Paper Dolls

3.2. Virtual Woodland Tours

3.3. Read Poetry and Stories

4. Discovery Education

4.1. Students create their own First Nations, Metis, and Inuit board game

4.2. Readings and Discussions

5. Kidblog

5.1. Students keep personal blog to reflect on and share what they have learned regarding FNMI culture and traditions

6. Zoom

6.1. Have an elder talk to your class

6.2. Connect you classroom with an Inuit classroom

7. Google Earth

7.1. To aid in discussion of Treaty Territories (location and size)

7.2. Compliment the Blanket Activity by more specifically showing the land that was taken away

8. Niitsitapiisini: Glenbow Museum

8.1. Virtual Museum of the Story of the Blackfoot People

8.1.1. Living with the Land

8.1.2. Living with the Buffalo

8.1.3. Living with their Families and Other People

8.1.4. Traditional Stories

9. Flipgrid

9.1. Assign students a specific treaty that they must research and then share their findings by way of a short video that is shared with classmates. Classmates have the opportunity to comment on the various videos

10. Mathcatcher

10.1. Use First Nations imagery and storytelling provided to teach math and science