Differences in Coursework and Dissertations

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Differences in Coursework and Dissertations da Mind Map: Differences in Coursework and Dissertations

1. CourseWork

1.1. Meaning

1.1.1. Task like Writing or Practical that is assigned for the completion of Academic Field

1.2. Coursework Task

1.2.1. Coursework will be ssigned by professors or teachers

1.3. Requirements

1.3.1. Student will be given fixed of specific requirement like area, field, coursework questions , guidelines, restriction and certain criteria which it has to follow

1.4. Documentations

1.4.1. Preparing a documentation if required with documentation format and word limit. Usually documentation is short in coursework with 1-3 thousand words

1.5. Grading

1.5.1. Marks or grading will be done according to prescribed criteria, requirement and marking format

1.6. Analysis and Research

1.6.1. It doesn't required much time and much research as it have fixed questions and relevant field

1.7. Relations

1.7.1. It acts as an supporting role for dissertation in furture

2. Dissertations

2.1. Meaning

2.1.1. Long Piece of Writing done at the end of the Degree for the Completion of Degree

2.2. Dissertations Task

2.2.1. Student can choose the dissertation according to their interest.

2.3. Requirnments

2.3.1. There are no fixed requirnments however, basic format can given if professor or teacher wants

2.4. Documentations

2.4.1. Creating a proper long documentations with proper analysis, research,literature review,data collections and etc. usually documentation will be long more than 10 thousand words.

2.5. Grading

2.5.1. Marks will be given according to the documentation and products or prototypes

2.6. Analysis and Research

2.6.1. It Required much more time in research and analysis as detailed study needed for student choosen topic

2.7. Relations

2.7.1. Coursework can help student for dissertations.