Dysfunctions of IT; Causes and Solutions

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Dysfunctions of IT; Causes and Solutions da Mind Map: Dysfunctions of IT; Causes and Solutions

1. Dysfunctions Results: Common Themes

1.1. Umnanaged risk

1.1.1. Security

1.1.2. Recovery

1.1.3. Compliance Contract Safety Field HR

1.2. Poor / Under developed Workflows

1.2.1. Double / Tripple Entry

1.2.2. Lack of standardization

1.2.3. Heavy Excel Use

1.2.4. Paper

1.2.5. Workarounds

1.2.6. Weak Integration

1.3. Weak / Delayed Business Intelligence

1.3.1. Field

1.3.2. Accounting

1.3.3. Estimating

1.4. Low confidence in IT

1.4.1. Strong people

1.4.2. Overworked

1.4.3. Can we get there?

1.4.4. Are these the right people?

1.4.5. Same things over and over

1.5. Poor IT project execution

1.5.1. Projects take forever

1.5.2. Not fully deployed

1.5.3. Training / Documentation weak

1.5.4. Technical reasons for delays

1.5.5. IT department controls timelines

1.6. Off technology curve (Specifically)

1.6.1. Poor financial performance for a given functionality

1.6.2. Support requirement for a given application

1.7. Mis-aligned with the business

2. Causes

2.1. Low IT Maturity

2.1.1. IT Maturity Model

2.1.2. Chaotic / Reactive

2.2. The Smart IT Guy

2.2.1. Job security Protective Infrastructure

2.2.2. Conflicts of interest Favorite Partner Familiar technologies Forms of payment

2.2.3. Control

2.2.4. Personnel Risk

2.3. Reliance on ERP

2.3.1. Accounting is Generally strong

2.3.2. CFO Driven

2.3.3. This is where the CFO has the most Direct resources (and understanding)

2.3.4. Connects to Field, but not optimal for field needs

2.3.5. Workflows strongest around information flow to and from financials

2.3.6. But we are a construction company

2.4. Business Case Development Resources

2.4.1. Engage stakeholders

2.4.2. Measure twice and cut once

2.4.3. Respond to critical need

2.4.4. Selection based on narrow view

2.4.5. Lower return on investment

2.5. Resource Competing Demands

2.5.1. Poor Project Execution

2.5.2. Limited Steering Committee Management

2.5.3. Low Stakeholder Engagement

2.5.4. Short term planning

3. Solutions

3.1. Develop an Aligned Strategy

3.1.1. Investment horizon confidence

3.1.2. Clarify necessary goals

3.2. Goal Setting

3.2.1. Merge and align perspectives

3.2.2. Understand

3.3. Leverage the Cloud

3.3.1. Instant top right maturity model

3.3.2. Strongest financial performance (if you know what your are doing)

3.3.3. Most importantly, gives IT resources back

3.4. Managed Steering Committee

3.4.1. Surfaces workflow challenges

3.4.2. Surfaces current and future needs

3.4.3. Promotes confidence in IT

3.4.4. Drives better business decisions

3.4.5. Higher stakeholder engagement an

3.5. Best Practices

3.5.1. Procurement

3.5.2. Application selection

3.5.3. Security models

3.5.4. Recovery models

3.5.5. Governance

3.5.6. Policy

3.5.7. Patner with someone who has been down the trail - make short work of it.

3.6. Execution Resources

3.6.1. Temporary in nature

3.6.2. Need most skilled avaialble

3.6.3. Great place to leverage IT Contractors