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Root da Mind Map: Root

1. business model

2. Smart City

3. motion

4. Transport

5. Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

6. Smart Mobility

7. Smart

8. Integrated Transport Systems

9. intelligent

10. digital

11. IoT

12. Smart Services

13. business plan

14. Use Case

15. Smart Planet

16. Digital City

17. Urban strategies

18. information and communication technology (ICT)

19. Carsharing

20. autonomous driving

21. Intelligent transport networks

22. sharing economy

23. shared mobility

24. mobility solution

25. provider

26. carsharing

27. ridesharing

28. bikesharing

29. business idea

30. Business models in the area of Smart Parking

31. Traffic Management

32. Parking

33. supplier

34. smart parking

35. payment

36. parking lot

37. availability

38. IoT

39. mobility

40. technology

41. technique

42. mechanism

43. techniques

44. device

45. business concept

46. automation

47. Dynamic resource allocation

48. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

49. RFID