Mind Map about me

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Mind Map about me da Mind Map: Mind Map about me

1. Threats

1.1. Not enough work experience

1.2. Not sure about post grad life

1.2.1. No five year plan

1.3. Scared to fail

1.4. No internship

1.4.1. Harder to obtain a job in my field

2. Opportunities

2.1. Pursuing a degree with broad job choices

2.1.1. Able to choice the environment I work in

2.2. Graduating with a 4-year degree

2.2.1. Obtaining a bachelors degree

3. Weakness

3.1. Opinionated

3.2. lazy

3.2.1. Procrastinating a lot

3.2.2. Not easily motived

3.3. Speech impediment

3.3.1. Studder

3.3.2. Have trouble pronouncing certain things

3.4. Stress too much

4. Strengths

4.1. Hard Working

4.2. Quick learner

4.3. personable

4.4. Great personality

4.5. Dependable

4.6. Open minded

4.7. Leader