Listening Skills

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Listening Skills da Mind Map: Listening Skills

1. Types of Listeners

1.1. Non-Listeners

1.2. Marginal

1.3. Pretend

1.4. Active

2. Using your Face in Listening

2.1. Focus

2.2. Acknowledge

2.3. Clarify

2.4. Empathise

3. Barriers to Good Listening

3.1. Physical

3.2. Psychological

3.3. Language

3.4. Non-verbal Distractions

3.5. Thought speed

3.6. Grandstanding

4. GPS for CCC

4.1. Clear

4.2. Concise

4.3. Captivating

5. Listening Vs Hearing

5.1. Listening

5.1.1. Active

5.1.2. Objective

5.1.3. Focused

5.2. Hearing

5.2.1. Passive

5.2.2. Subjective

5.2.3. Unfocused

6. Commandments of Good Listening

6.1. Gain Focus

6.2. Speaker at Ease

6.3. Show Interest

6.3.1. Remove Distractions

6.4. Empathize

6.5. Be Patient

6.6. Manage Temper

6.7. Minimize Criticism

6.8. Ask Questions

6.9. Stop Talking

7. Sensing

8. Levels of Listening

8.1. Empathic

8.2. Attentive

8.3. Selective

8.4. Pretend

8.5. Ignoring

9. Process of Listening

9.1. Filtering

9.2. Interpreting

9.3. Evaluating

9.4. Responding

9.5. Remembering

10. Face to Face Communication

10.1. Verbal

10.2. Paraverbal

10.3. Nonverbal