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Wigzo Website da Mind Map: Wigzo Website

1. Signup

2. Lead Magnet

3. Drip Campaign

3.1. After 48 Hours - Case Study

3.2. 7 Days - Live Webinar

3.3. 15 Days - Testimonials and analytics

3.4. 30 Days Followup, Book a call with campaign manager

4. Book Demo

4.1. Booked but absent

4.1.1. Follow-Up Mail

4.2. Booked and Completed Demo

4.2.1. After Call Mail - Tutorials of integration

4.2.2. After 24 Hours - Case Study

4.2.3. After 48 Hours - One More Case study

4.2.4. Doesn't Convert

5. Free Trial Login

5.1. Resource Mail - SMS, Push, Email, Smart Campaigns

5.2. After 7 Days- Trial half ended, Book an Audit Call with our campaign Manager

5.3. 13th Day - Last 48 hours left, bok an Audit Call with Campaign Manager

5.4. 14th Day - Discount, Special Pricing

5.5. Doesn't Convert

6. Weekly Newsletter