Optimization of non-periodic inspection of structural components by Bayesian approach

Ingenieria Mecanica - Método Análisis Bayesiano - Juan Narváez C.I 28.043.142

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Optimization of non-periodic inspection of structural components by Bayesian approach da Mind Map: Optimization of non-periodic inspection of structural components by Bayesian approach

1. The accuracy of the estimated reliability of the system was evaluated statistically and it was shown that if the Bayesian approach is applied, the presence of uncertain parameters does not significantly affect the accuracy of the estimation of the reliability

2. The proposed method was evaluated and statistically demonstrated that this Bayesian approach allows

3. evaluation the inspection interval accurately even with incorrect prior knowledge about the parameters

4. estimation of the reliability of a system accurately, even when some of the parameters are uncertain

5. The concept of Bayesian analysis was applied to the inspection procedure

6. Bayesian analysis method to determine the appropriate non-periodic inspection intervals of fatigue-sensitive structures, applied to mechanical engineering

7. This method for determining the appropriate non-periodic inspection intervals of aircraft structures and estimating the value of uncertain parameters

8. was improved by using conditional probabilities for the Bayesian estimation

9. Realizado Por: Juan Narvaez C.I: v-28.043.142 COD: 44