To what extend is mobility a future issue in smart cities for entrepreneurs ?

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To what extend is mobility a future issue in smart cities for entrepreneurs ? da Mind Map: To what extend is mobility a future issue in smart cities for entrepreneurs ?

1. Smart cities an opportunity for entrepreneurs to reinvent walking experience Why Smart Cities Are a Golden Opportunity for Entrepreneurs

2. Smart cities: - smart building/home - electric vehicules - positive energy building - green city - connected city (open data) Les Smart cities / Les caractéristiques d’une ville intelligente

3. Des éco-quartiers aux" smart cities": quel rôle pour l'électro-mobilité? Une comparaison France-Japon. Projet SMARTMOB

4. New technologies: New tech tools facilitate the ability to walk to places and use forms of urban mobility other than cars. Technology-based solutions and information platforms include such apps as RideScout, Walkscore, Walkonomics, and Transit Screen.

5. Walking in smart cities: building a new environment should not destroy human interaction.

6. Book Assembling Moral Mobilities : Cycling, Cities, and the Common Good Scott, Nicholas A

7. Businesses are transforming in many ways. New insights, driven by data and analytics, are needed to drive business transformation. Deloitte

8. RideScout app for mobility : “We discovered that people often don’t realize they can get somewhere faster by walking or biking as opposed to taking transit, taxi, or other form of transportation, RideScout shows them how” Steve Carroll Smart Cities and the Technology of Walking