Someone or something that is viewed as being evil by a culture or a society because it has a dark...

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Someone or something that is viewed as being evil by a culture or a society because it has a dark or destructive imagination or purpose. da Mind Map: Someone or something that is viewed as being evil by a culture or a society because it has a dark or destructive imagination or purpose.

1. Barry Keith Grant shows us how monsters can be anything through movies such as "Jaws", "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes", and "The Magnetic Monster" where the monster is a shark, tomato, or even a mineral. This is why I included "Someone or Something".

2. Patrick McCormick discusses how monsters resemble the evil things that people in a society do. Because of this, the monster is seen as scary because it relates to the dark side of someone in their society. This is why I included the words "Evil" and "Society".

3. Monsters are subject to the culture. A monster is seen as scary to someone if they can relate to it and it's from their culture's history. You can see this by the horror movies that are made in different countries. American horror movies include different elements than what a horror movie would in a different culture. This is why I included "viewed as being evil by a culture".

4. Christel Airas discusses how monsters have many hidden messages. These hidden messages is what ultimately defines their purpose. This is why I included "dark or destructive imagination or purpose".