Measure Your Marketing - Simplify Your Tracking With Google Tag Manager

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Measure Your Marketing - Simplify Your Tracking With Google Tag Manager da Mind Map: Measure Your Marketing - Simplify Your Tracking With Google Tag Manager

1. 5 Pillars

1.1. 1. planning

1.2. 2. building

1.3. 3. reporting

1.4. 4. forecasting

1.5. 5. optimising

2. Google Analytics

2.1. collect

2.1.1. google analytics is not so good in collecting

2.1.2. tag manager is exceptional in collecting info

2.1.3. tag manager cannot store & report

2.2. store

2.2.1. google analytics is the best in storing info

2.2.2. big giant database that has info

2.3. report

2.3.1. google analytics is bad at reporting

2.3.2. google data studio is good at reporting

3. 3 Main Components of Tag Manager

3.1. Tags

3.2. Triggers

3.3. Variables

4. Examples of what tag manager can does

4.1. Tags

4.1.1. Let fb know when someone becomes a lead

4.1.2. Let goofle analytics know when someone clicks on buy button

4.2. Trigger

4.2.1. do this when someone lands on any page of my website

4.2.2. do this when they click on button that says get access now

4.3. Variable

4.3.1. account number is

4.3.2. Variables are information GTM needs to get the job done

5. GTM templates

5.1. Simo Ahava